How to Create a Brand Positioning Campaign? Strategies & Examples

Hi there, are you worried about your brand positioning campaign? Do you have the responsibility to create a brand new campaign and also position it well? Do not worry, we are here to guide you through this.

We all live in a consumer-based industry. The research shows that 73% of consumers love a brand because it provides helpful customer service and is positioned well in the market.

So, I am sure that you want to be an integral part of your company’s growth and also want to put efforts to develop a robust framework for your brand positioning campaign. 

For that, you need to align with your brand goals. 

So let’s dive deep into understanding and creating a robust brand positioning campaign.

What is Brand Positioning?

brand position

In simple terms, brand positioning is the act of designing the offerings of a company to take up a distinct and unique place among your target audiences and target market.

Additionally, it shows how your brand is different from your competitors and how it sits in the mind of your customers.

Also when you create some strategy to position your brand in the market, you design it in a way that will make your customers perceive your brand the way you want.

Brand positioning is directly linked to customer loyalty and their willingness to purchase your product or services.

So when your brand is positioned well, it turns out to be favorable as well as credible in the minds of your customers.

A very good example of brand position is the Australian Yellow Tail Wines. They focussed on positioning their strategy as “approachable, easy-to-choose, and fun”.

Its objective was to enter the US market and be perceived as different from other wine brands. It achieved its brand positioning through varied elements. 

This brand came up with an adventurous name that represented the tail of a kangaroo. Its packaging was simple without any complicated enological terms.

Moreover, talking about its product, it developed a wine that was sweet and soft in its taste

It was as approachable as beer and was ready to drink. It offered a price less than $10 and justified the term approachable and also can be used at festive times. Also, the communication strategy was funny and the ads were down to earth.

Now since you have got a rough idea of this, let’s have a look at the benefits of brand positioning campaigns.



6 Benefits of a Brand Positioning Campaign

brand positioning

Brand positioning campaigns can have eye-opening effects on the minds of your customers. Once created, it will drive your brand with a better speed than you might have thought. 

So let us try to look at some benefits for brand positioning campaigns.


It creates a long-lasting impression

Any brand positioning campaign can have a long-lasting impact on the minds of your customers if you design it in a defined way.

The more you associate your brand with positivity, the more customers are likely to turn up to you.

Moreover, you can use varied tactics to attract your customers like competitive pricing, attractive packaging with exciting promotional deals, and many more.

This not only helps in attracting new customers but also helps in creating a new customer base.

All in all, it makes your brand positioning campaign a popular one with a lasting impression on your user’s mind.


Helps in Gaining Brand Loyalty

Remember, a robust positioning campaign will always assist your brand in gaining loyalty. It helps you to make a loyal customer base who are interested in you.

Also, loyal customers purchase products for their preferred brand regardless of any convenience or price once you gain their loyalty. 

Moreover, people who find your differentiators important will surely become advocates for your brand.


Brand Positioning will Lead to Brand Recall

Showing your ideal audiences what you aim to provide them through your brand campaign helps them remember the benefits for a long time.

It will help your customers to be able to relate to your brand. They can associate your brand with your positioning. 

So this brand recall along with clarity will be useful when your customers are considering choosing one from varied available options.

For example, Volvo became synonymous with the word safety by crafting a good positioning.


Helps You Focus on Market Differentiation

Market differentiation is necessary for every brand to be in a distinct position and make your brand stand out from the crowd.

Without that, it will be difficult for your target market to make a distinct choice and also tell the difference.

So, if you want to sell your products and services to your target audiences, you need to communicate your value with a factor of differentiation. And correct positioning will help you achieve just that. 

For instance, if you are a hair care expert, you want your people to know that your hair care product will make their hair healthier.


Gives a Clear Brand Message

Another benefit of a brand positioning campaign is that it helps you to give your brand message. 

Brand message defines how your brand communicates, solves the problem, and serves your customers. It is embedded in every element of your campaign be it communication or marketing. 

So all in all, a good positioning campaign helps you to give a clear brand message.


Gives a Direction to Your Marketing Strategy

Any positioning campaign by a brand is a base that can help it to design its future marketing or advertising strategy.

It allows you to design a target audience-oriented marketing or advertising campaign. So, a brand positioning campaign should be considered as a major step by your brand.



What are the Types of Brand Positioning Campaigns?

Digital Advertising For IT Brand (4)

Now that you have an understanding of brand positioning and the benefits it can give to your brand, let’s understand the types of positioning you can consider for your brand. 

These types will help you have a clear approach towards positioning and will help you be heard, be seen, and be loved.

Have a look at a few types of brand positioning campaigns.


Cost-Driven Positioning

As the name suggests, this type of brand positioning pulls more focus on cost-effectiveness.

This can be a bit challenging positioning for your brand if you don’t have an inherent cost advantage.

So before going down this road and choosing to position your brand on the basis of cost, make sure you are also gaining from it. 

Technology can be your best friend if you use it more effectively than your competitors. 

If your competitors are ahead in this, then you need to be very careful as it might push you back in a cost-driven strategy.


Niche Service Positioning

Through this positioning, you aim at offering a service that is not provided by your competitors. You tend to offer some specialized expertise as compared to a generalist. 

This approach works well till the time your service begins to generate strong demand or new competitors come up to take part in the competition.


Industry Positioning

This category is a very popular and effective way to position a professional service firm or a brand. It allows you to focus on your marketing and changing your services as per the evolving market conditions.

When you choose industry positioning, it portrays that your brand has deep experience in working with similar kinds of businesses. 

This approach comes with a few risks that you need to be careful of. For instance, if your industry is facing economic decline or new competitors entering the fray to break your positioning efforts.


Quality of Service Positioning

This type of brand positioning strategy is the most common and most used by professional service firms or brands. In rare cases, it seems to be less effective.

Every firm wants to stay committed to its customers in terms of its quality. Doing that with fancy messages fails to attract the target customers.

Your buyers seek quality in terms of your products and services and not in terms of messages that you give.

So your brand or firm needs to focus on giving a quality and trustworthy message that makes your customers choose you.



5 Steps to Create a Brand Positioning Campaign

Print ad

To make an effective and right brand positioning campaign requires effort along with a unique thinking process. To win the hearts of your customers you also require to stay loyal to them. 

So, here are 5 steps to make your brand positioning campaign a good one.


Create Your Brand Identity

The very first step to creating your brand positioning campaign is to define who you are and what your brand is. This helps in giving a better experience to your target audiences thus building loyalty.

So, if you want to do this, you should know what your brand stands for. Analyze the products and services that you are offering to your customers and why they should purchase from you.

Always align yourself with the needs of your customers. This will help you in designing an awesome brand positioning campaign.


Define Your Target Audiences

Once you have created your brand identity, identify your target audiences. This will help you in analyzing if your market is responding well to your campaign.

So, before starting any brand campaign, know your customers by analyzing their buyer persona.

Set up a particular demographic that you want to target for your brand positioning campaign. Also know what their interests are, and what they are doing.

Just remember the buying behavior of your customers changes from time to time. So make sure that you come up with new strategies to position yourself.


Look at Your Competitors

Keeping a check on your competitors will give you a chance to improvise on designing your brand positioning campaign.

You can conduct a competitive analysis for your brand and determine opportunities to explore. Focus on those elements where your competitors are missing.

You can also look at their positioning campaigns from their websites and social media handles. This will help you in filling the gap and come up with ideas to position yourself.


Analyze your work in the competitive market

If understanding your competitors is important for brand positioning, understanding your own brand is also important. 

Have a look at your strengths and weaknesses. The best way to know it is by taking part in the competition and knowing what your competitors are doing.

Think about the factors that can make your campaign clickable and enhance your brand positioning. 

You can conduct a SWOT analysis to position your brand effectively in the playing field.


Create Your Brand Positioning Campaign

So the final step is to create an effective brand positioning campaign. After you follow all the above-mentioned steps, you are fit to go with your campaign.

Create a short and crisp campaign that incorporates your brand message and does the same that you promise. Then, position it well to reach the best and most target audience. 

As said, look at the buyer persona and try to fulfill their needs.

Moreover, a positioning campaign when placed in the right manner generates greater sales. This further helps brands to design more effective campaigns.


Brand Positioning Campaign Examples


vodafone brand positioning campaign

The campaign ‘Together We Can’ is a 12-month television, print, and digital advertising campaign. 

It will follow Vodafone’s new stance, reflecting Vodafone’s deep conviction that the relationship between technology and society will create a better future. The tagline for the campaign is “Technology Is Nothing Without Humanity.” 

With the global pandemic posing many questions for tech brands, this ad highlights that we need to take the lead. They have introduced “the irrepressible girl” in their advertisement, who daydreams at school about global concerns like online hate speech, global warming, the lack of automotive sustainability, etc. She is adamant about finding the answers. 

It also highlights Vodafone’s pivotal role to help address such questions is a better line. This includes 5G implementation and providing access to the world’s most remote locations. 


Nike started their ad campaign with utmost focus on performance and innovation.

They invented waffle shoes and designed their brand in a way that targeted serious athletes.

Their product offerings moved beyond shoes, now they also offer attire for athletes that enhances performance.

It is also focussed on empowerment. It is visible from its tagline called “Just do it.”

Nike focussed on the concept of innovation for serious and dedicated athletes. It helps them give their best every single time.

Just loved it.



Apple is a true example of a strong brand positioning. It builds beautiful and innovative computers that are different from others in the market.

The message from Apple highlights the same qualities in their consumers that they have in their products. It says, if you are an Apple person, you are also innovative, imaginative, and creative.

With this, it focuses on the value of its products instead of branding. It also aims at forming connections with its customers.



For many years, Taco Bell ruled the Mexican fast-food restaurants in the US. Then Chipotle came up with a focus on quality.

It used the tagline “ Food with integrity” to associate the brand with quality. Through this it aimed at positioning itself in the minds of its audiences.

Its tagline clearly communicated the beliefs and values of the brand. Starting from fresh and locally prepared meals, Chipotle tried to earn loyal customers and gain value. 

There are varied options for eating fast food. When it comes to fresh and local products, Chipotle stays at the top. 


Dollar Shave Club

By the name itself, it is clear that this brand aims at showcasing its value proposition that is their low cost.

This brand focussed its positioning on affordability and convenience. Also, it aims at creating a brand that is relatable for the average customer.

Dollar Shave Club is more cheeky and casual as compared to other expensive brands like Gillette. 

So, all in all, this brand is cheaper and convenient than their competitors.



The idea around air travel before JetBlue was that the competitive fares and comfortable travel were mutually exclusive.

You either have to sacrifice your dollars for comfort or sacrifice comfort for dollars.

So, JetBlue came up with a refreshing focus to bring fun and joy along with comfort and value into the US domestic air travel market.

It also included perks like extensive in-flight entertainment, comfortable leather seating, and additional legroom. This helped it in gaining a reputation along with a strong position within the US.

Good job JetBlue.

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Creating Memorable Communication…

Clear positioning is the basis for clear communication. You can interact and reach your target group more quickly and effectively if you have a consistent brand position. You will have the ability to set yourself apart from the competition. 

Hence, it reflects your core brand values and aids in the development of a stronger relationship with your customers. You will have the experience to make more effective choices in this process once you have established the central message necessary to promote your brand.


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