Visual Branding: A Visual Experience by McDonald’s

It is no secret that we all are visual creatures. We get attracted to brands that are more bright, colorful, and visually creative. Visual branding is one of the most important ways to stay in the mind of the customers. McDonald’s has created one such campaign where they use their logo and minimum designs and give them a creative brand experience.


How is McDonald’s Using Visual Branding?

visual branding
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A plain, minimalist approach has been taken by McDonald’s, allowing clever visual use of its iconic logo or its products to give its audience a message. They have created a campaign on the strength of its famous golden arches. The trio of outdoor advertisements displays a portion of a giant M letter as a rainbow over houses across it. 

From contemporary tower blocks to Victorian terraced buildings, the houses featured in the ads provide a variety of architectural styles. The ads are intended to support McDonald’s home delivery, as Britain continues to fight the coronavirus pandemic with a national lockdown. 

Since we so easily process visual details, it’s the first customer touchpoint. It is the first thing that people see and the first thing that people use to gain trust in you. The unique signifier of your brand, your logo or brand label, is your identity in its simplest form. 

It should instantly call your brand to mind and call to heart the distinct emotional attraction. Not only that, but a good brand identity would also provide employees with focus. It will help them know what kind of values they should follow and keep them associated with the brand’s mission.


Providing Customers with Creativity and Experience

For the user, visual branding produces an unforgettable experience, making them trust the brand. Therefore, these kinds of ads are just enough to let people know what this ad is about with just a hint alone. The latest campaign by McDonald’s comes the week of the release of a rebrand of McDonald’s packaging. This also uses a plain and illustrative approach. 

Hence, effective visual branding through ads can help you generate WOW expressions from customers. Are you willing to give a WOW for this initiative by McDonald’s?

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