14 Effective Ways to Use Twitter for Fashion brands

 Twitter Marketing for Fashion Brands

Since its beginning in 2006, Twitter has emerged to be one of the most used and active social media channels across the globe for users and brands alike. If Twitter is used effectively for fashion brands, it can drastically help in growing the business.

Is Twitter Effective for Fashion Brands?

It has successfully emerged as a platform where the participants could engage in real-time conversations with anyone around the globe about any and every topic they desire to talk about.

So fashion brands must use this incredible social media platform and incorporate it into their social media marketing and advertising plan.

Twitter for Fashion Industry can be a very powerful marketing tool which if used correctly can reap extensive rewards for fashion brands.

twitter for fashion industry

The fashion and apparel industry is spread in a vast arena with multiples of big and small fashion brands finding their mark and competing with each other. From Burberry to Michael Kors and from London to New York to Bombay Fashion Weeks.

Every brand now understands the importance and need of a powerful yet subtle social media presence and all know one of the ways to go is via twitter.

A successful Twitter presence can not only increase engagement but also make a brand “Trending”  globally.

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How to Promote Your Fashion Brand on Twitter?

Twitter is not just for sharing your thoughts. Actually, it is a great channel to introduce your product to your audience and building a connection with them. You can easily use Twitter for brand awareness and led generation. Here’s how you can get your Twitter ready to achieve your bigger business goals:

Tip 1) Set up an Effective Twitter Profile

Before we delve into the technical parts of Twitter marketing for a fashion brand, we must understand how your Twitter profile should look like. Since the Fashion world is all about visual appeal, your Twitter profile must highlight the same.  The more attractive your profile is, the more it will be the curiosity of Twitterati to visit your profile.

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Tip 2) Add Display Picture (DP) & Cover Picture (CP)

Your display picture more informally referred to as “Dp” should preferably contain the logo of your brand and the cover photo should contain an HQ picture of any of your clothing/accessories and other products or models channeling your brand.

The display picture must be captivating and vibrant enough to speak for itself for the fashion brand on Twitter.

Apart from the display picture, it’s equally important to own an intriguing cover picture as well. Once any Twitter user lands on the brand’s page, the cover picture is what the user sees right in front. Pictures from the brand’s latest fashion show or the latest photoshoot will do justice to the fashion brand on Twitter.

You should invest in professionals in the said field. A professional media person always helps in long-term growth. This is not the place to cut your budget short.

Tip 3) Create Eye-catching Content (Amazing Pictures is the Way to Go for Fashion Brands on Twitter)

A brand especially the one that’s centered around the world of fashion or that comes from a fashion or clothing industry should focus most of its resources on generating a cathartic visual experience for its audience and current and potential customers. Using High-quality images of products with one-liner descriptions of the same will let the people know about what’s happening.

The pictures/videos/gifs that you post should be chic, elegant, and attractive. There are a number of ways to tweet pictures and videos:

    • Tweet using the multi-photo feature: Use this feature to highlight the intricacies of the garment/product. It can also be used to exhibit the depict similar products of the same range.
    • Use vines: Make a boomerang, a small video of the model talking, or any such similar thing that connects the target audience to the brand.
    •  Time-lapse videos: The making of the garment or the getting ready BTS for a show could be converted into a time-lapse video and give a more inside experience to the audience which helps them relate to the brand.

twitter for fashion industry

For instance, take the ultimate women’s fashion brand Forever 21, its Twitter page is a specimen of how a brand effectively uses high-grade imagery to its ultimate advantage. They use tweets to provide information and promote their products by showcasing them in great high-quality images.

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Another example is Burberry when you look at the Twitter page of Burberry, it’s filled extensively with all kinds of videos, vines, and pictures of models wearing their brand. This is the way to go!

Read: The Advanced Online Content Marketing Guide (B2B And B2C Tips Included)

Tip 4) Be Strategic With Your Bio (What You Write in the Bio can Boost Your Engagement!)

Just like the Display pictures and posts, What you write in your biography section of the Twitter profile is equally important.

Since that’s where the first impression of your brand is made. And first impressions are always important.

A good bio will make the audience want to follow your page and see what you have in store. It should also include the link to your website.

Help me write a bio!

Examples of Fashion Brands With Best Twitter Bios


When you talk about fashion brands, you cannot ignore Chanel. Over the years Chanel has made a lasting, deep and strong mark in the fashion industry. Moreover, it has adapted to every change in technology and the market needs and its social media presence is the one to watch. So is its Twitter bio.

twitter and chanel

Chanel’s bio perfectly describes what this fashion brand stands for. It gives out a clear message that in a world where trends change by the minute, style remains strong and steady and Chanel understands that. Moreover, it also depicts a long-standing heritage that Chanel is and that’s what its customers, old or new will see.

Victoria’s Secret

When it comes to fashion brands, Victoria’s secret manages to raise the bar with the extra oomph factor it provides. As a brand, Victoria’s secret has always been very bold and out there and doesn’t shy away from displaying the true essence of fashion for women.

That is exactly what its Twitter bio says too. It says ” Lingerie made to be seen”. just what stands true to its brand image and personality as a whole isn’t it?

victoria's secret twitter bio


Another one of the leading brands in the fashion industry is Burberry. This brand is always upfront in what it delivers to its audience, and that’s what it displays on its Twitter bio. Freedom. Sounds worth choosing right?Burberry twitter

Louis Vuitton

When speaking about fashion, if you don’t think of Louis Vuitton, then the discussion will always be incomplete.

A pioneer in the fashion industry, LV’s twitter bio tells us that sometimes, all you need is a clear, direct, and actionable Twitter bio, and your potential and target customers might want to hear just that.

Louis Vuitton Twitter bio

Louis Vuitton’s Twitter bio has a direct and clear message about what its Twitter page represents. When we all know that customer service and interaction is one of the most important elements of marketing and advertising these days, LV’s twitter bio tells its customers just that. That they stand for customer service, personalization, and any other interaction or assistance that they might desire.

fashion brands

Tip 5) Practise the Art of “Listening”

They say before you act, listen.

That holds true for the marketing arena as well. Before you execute any of your marketing plans on Twitter, you should first be familiar with the whatabouts, whereabouts, and howabouts of the Twitter world.

Listening To +Analysis and Research+ Right Tools = Awesomeness! Share on X

The fashion industry has mass competition.

Everyone wants their fashion brands to be the best and stand out and everyone follows strategies they think will reap the rewards. So you must understand what’s happening with your competitors’ Twitter pages and how are they undertaking their Twitter marketing for their fashion brand.

fashion brand anaysis

Tip 6) Analyse and Research Your Competitors & Your Web Data

Such decisions can’t be based on feelings or just winging it attitude. This is a mistake that’s done by several new fashion brand startups.

You must do effective research, collect information, and analyze the data.

This is the analytical part. You can use Google Analytics for that.

Decisions done by analysis tend to be more profitable. Share on X

Tip 7) Use the Right Tools to Grow

Just like data analysis and research is important, it’s equally important to finding the right tools. It will be helpful in the showcasing of your brand uniquely and positively on the Twitter platform. The fashion and apparel industry is a tricky business.

Not only because of the plethora of competitors but also because one particular Twitter tool that worked for a similar brand may work the opposite way for you.

The tools should be effective and affordable which may not be a problem for big giants like Calvin client or Dior. But for a local fashion brand that is just starting, considering your budgetary constraints is where you might want to start when you are picking a tool.

For starters free tools for Twitter  that are available are:

      • Tweetdeck
      • Hootsuite 
      • bit.ly
      • Agorapulse
      • coTweet
      • Buffer

Tip 8) #HashtagsAreAWayToGo

I am sure all of you remember #Metoo campaign? Or Ellen’s iconic #Oscarselfie?

These simple yet effective words with a simple element attached to them called hashtags broke the Twitter universe and created sensation be it for an incredibly important social cause or entertainment purposes.

These are not just it. There have been many campaigns worldwide that created a viral sensation or were trending on Twitter for the longest of times.

You ask how? Simple.

By using hashtags.

Fashion brand hash tags

The Magic of Hashtags 

I cannot stress enough the importance of creative, unique, and also common hashtags in this digitally active world.

Hashtags are a simple, free, and easy way to let your brand be known, seen, and recognized around the world. Using the correct hashtags at the correct time can invite huge engagements to your profile which is a win-win situation for the brand.

With high engagements, you will improve your reach. This, in turn, will increase your customer base. Because when people will talk, the business will pour.

And if you play your cards right you can create a hashtag campaign that will never be forgotten and will keep “trending.”

Apart from using trending hashtags, a brand can also indulge in creating its own hashtag and make it a trend. Motivate people to use the brand hashtag, organize an online event, ask people to post a picture/tweet, or any other media file with the hashtag of the brand.

Engaging in such activities gives a wider reach to the brand, people become more familiar with the brand and this is definitely a piece of good news for the brand.

fashion brand infuencer

Tip 9) Be an Influencer Enforcer

The fashion industry has since long involved celebrities and other famous personalities to be a part of their marketing and advertising campaigns.

Not until very recently was it referred to as celebrity endorsement or brand ambassadorship. But with the popularity of social media various people have since then become a major marketing tool, because of their immense popularity and following.

This, when utilized by fashion brands on Twitter, is called influencer marketing.

Twitter is an ocean of famous fashion influencers who a brand can approach and work out an arrangement to their advantage. Micro-influencers are the best way to reach out to people. Micro-influencers are real-world people with a huge following.

Apart from being followed, they are trusted, and endorsing any brand/product has a massive reach amongst the followers. The sales can be increased multiple folds if an influencer campaign is carried out with the correct marketing strategy.

These are opinion leaders, a lot of the target audience that your brand wants are followers of these fashionistas and when they promote your product, these audiences can, in turn, become your potential customers.

Tip 10) Involve a Social Cause in Your Overall Strategy

In this modern New Age Era, people are becoming more aware and alert about the social implications that come with the products and services.

They are keen to know if the brand they are choosing is actively engaged in contributing to a social cause and whether their products and work conditions are in alignment with social and environmental norms.

As a result, this can work well when it comes to marketing your brand.

When you tell the target audience that you 'Care'. People are more likely to choose your brand over others. Share on X

Let’s take the French cosmetics giant L’Oréal for instance. L’oreal has launched Women of Worth. A philanthropic program, to honor women who have gone above and beyond their set. And they have chosen roles to leave a mark in the larger world.

Because “ they’re worth it”

If you’re a believer that you can market your product and promote a social cause at the same time. It’s more likely to put you on a positive radar and help you achieve your goals! 

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fashion brand customer support

Tip 11) Explore Twitter Features to Get Business

Use Polls by Twitter: Interact with people on Twitter by organizing polls. Ask them questions like, which product they love, what is the next product that they want, and other stuff like these.

Carrying out such activities helps the people in communicating with the brand and knowing more about it.

Use Animated Gifs: Using gifs is yet another interactive method to gain engagement on the platform. Gifs are enticing! They demand attention and say what? We get what we want. The customer pauses, watches, and responds!

Gifs can also be used to show a teaser of the latest advertisement, the making of the product, a customer reviewing it, and a lot more.

Tip 12) Announce Sale and other Offers

In today’s world, no festival small or big is complete without sales and offers! Use Twitter to announce the sale, offers, events, press releases, blogs, and everything else. If you are “trending”, the announcement you make will spread like wildfire giving the brand what it wants! Business, Engagements, and Customers.

Also engage in announcing other relevant news such as, when’s the next fashion line being launched by the fashion brand, what can the customer expect from the new range of products, which celebrity is joining hands with the brand.

No matter how small the news is, just make sure to announce it big on Twitter and see the Twitterati respond to it.

Tip 13) Interact & Engage

A brand can do everything right and still not get the response.

One of the most common reasons for this is the lack of interaction. If you don’t interact with your potential or target customers/followers and existing followers. They may think that your response time isn’t great and might move on.

You must always give prompt replies to your followers, mentions, or retweets.

Tip 14) Provide Prompt Customer Service

When you talk about any brands these days and what customers most liked about that brand, more often than not customers say their prompt service and assistance.

We all know that these days, it’s not just about delivering products or services to the customers, it is also about delivering an overall customer experience to them. One that they will remember for a long time and also pass it on to other potential customers who will then prefer your fashion brand over the other because of this word of mouth.

Prompt customer service helps in building the confidence of the audience towards the fashion brands on Twitter. It’s always recommended to reply asap to customer queries, confusions as well as post-delivery services.

Sometimes it might also happen that there was a shortcoming in your performance as a brand that left customers unsatisfied. However, it is during these times that customers really notice how you are handling that situation, and serving them well and with care in these times will earn your fashion brand some extra brownie points.

Having well-organized customer service on Twitter also helps in gaining repeat business to the fashion brand and expand the existing customer base.

In the realm of customer service, Twitter is the god-sent seraphim. And prompt responses and quick solutions put people in the right minds to follow a particular brand.

ASOS, for instance, has a dedicated Twitter account specifically for queries. @ASOS_Heretohelp is among the top 10% of help handles with an average response time of five minutes.

It has over 204k followers of its own, against the main @ASOS account’s 1.01 million.

Examples of Fashion Brands That Got Twitter Marketing Right


Talk of fashion brands is incomplete without the mention of this phenomenal brand.

Over the years, Chanel has ruled almost everywhere when it comes to marketing and advertising its products.

Needless to say, Twitter is also the place where Chanel shines and how.

It has a well thought of and well-created Twitter marketing and advertising strategy in place which is both creative and interactive.

Moreover, the content they give out via Twitter to their target customers is one to watch out for as it helps them know Chanel up, close, and personal.

It is adaptive, analytical, creative, and interactive and this is why it’s one of the most widely followed fashion brand handles on the Twitter universe.


Another brand that’s absolutely nailing the game.

With consistency and creativity as their main motto, they have succeeded in driving engagements to their page and their brand as a whole.

The global H&M Twitter handle makes sure to post at least 3-4 times a day and mostly showcases clothing-clad models.

Moreover, they also have strong interaction and customer service bases and they are prompt in responding to everything.


If you want to up your fashion brand for a twitter game, Dior is the one to watch.

The hashtag game of Dior is one of the strongest and most creative I have ever come across.

With many celebrities endorsing the brand, Dior makes sure to always stay ahead in the hashtag game.

And that’s what wins its target and potential customer’s heart.

Louis Vitton

When you see Louis Vuitton’s Twitter handle, you’ll be in awe of its aesthetic visual appeal.

Its Twitter is visually appealing and is sure to impress you.

Not only does it showcase models in their collection, but it also shows it in such a way that people get hooked to the page itself and that’s how it is owning the engagement world.

Victoria’s Secret 

Prompt customer response is where victoria’s secret wins in their marketing and advertising on Twitter.

You will not only see quality pictures and audiovisual content, but you will also see transparency.

They tweet on an average of 18-20 times a day with Maximus queries being handled.

This is where audiences feel connected to it.

They have creative, analytical, reasonable, innovative, and interactive marketing and advertising plan in place and are surely the ones to take tips from.

Key Takeaway: Twitter Marketing for Fashion Brands

Every fashion brand is unique and hence one size fit marketing strategy might not work for the brand. You must first design and develop your vision and mission. It is also important to decide who is your target audience and plan your strategy accordingly. Once that’s done, you are absolutely good to go.

And then decide the tips and tools that are in alignment with your vision.

It’s a vast arena.

Don’t be afraid to dive in.

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