9 Easy-to-Use Tools to Make Retail Digital Marketing Easier

In this new age of digital retail marketing, doing anything manually is becoming playing outdated. There are tools for everything imaginable now – from tracking your products, gathering reviews, asking for feedback, to creating engaging emails.

Additionally, these tools are here to give us speed, efficiency and make our marketing job easier. Without them, we won’t be able to give a smooth customer experience to our target market and will fail to win their hearts and their sales.

For many retailers who are new to the field of digital marketing, learning a new digital tool will seem scary.

That’s why in today’s blog I’m sharing a list of some of the easiest-to-use digital tools or software that retail marketers can use.

I’ve categorized these tools into three categories to help you understand the purpose of each.

Tools & Software For Improving SEO of Retail Businesses

ecommerce marketing


With the help of the internet, now every retailer has access to a global audience. However, the problem with global customers is that you have to ship internationally.

International shipping is not as convenient as local shipping. Easyship is here to solve that problem and make it easier for you to delight your international customers.

Here is why I like Easyship:

    • They provide the lowest international shipping charges.
    • They provide a very smooth tracking experience to international customers.
    • And they make global expansion and growth quite easy.

When your customers will be satisfied, you’ll get more positive reviews on Google. This will bring your rank up on the search engines.


Envato Market

The easiest way to make a sale is to keep your store engaging and exciting.

You must have already noticed that physical stores are generally designed from the perspective of what customers are going to like. But we fail to do the same when it comes to the websites. Even though they’re the new version of the physical stores.

Websites are still designed to reflect what the owner or some other member from the management of that company will like, not what the customers are going to appreciate.

Converting a web visitor into a lead needs a website that is inviting, easy-to-navigate and user-friendly. The same goes for the landing pages.

If your landing pages are not doing good, you need to redesign them. One of the quickest ways to do that is to use tools for digital retail marketing by Envato. They have a huge collection of templates that are useful for eCommerce businesses.



An SSL certificate is a must for every company to secure the online transactions happening on its website. Moreover, it keeps your customer’s information secure and makes sure that their valuable data don’t end up in the hands of the wrong people.

In addition, it’s one of the ranking factors of Google’s algorithm that determines the position and visibility of a website.

I prefer SSLs for my SSL purchases as they provide the lowest prices and they’re a trustworthy company.


Gravity Forms

This is a tool to help you capture the data of interested people in your product. It’s a very easy drag-and-drop kinda form builder.

You can use the same service to collect leads and even collect payments and it is one of the best tools for digital retail marketing.

Moreover, it’s very easy to use. So, even you can design your own forms on your landing pages.



You must be surprised to see a VPN in this list but there is a solid reason behind it. If you’re like me who travel internationally a lot. Then, having VPN becomes very important.

For example, when I go out of the country I’m generally always working. Whenever I’ve to do research, I turn to Google but then Google starts showing me local results. But I don’t need local results. My company is in some other country and I need the information about what’s happening there but Google fails to see that.

Thank god there is VPN to help me with this problem.

If you’re also like me – a frequent international traveler, who likes to do a lot of market research, then you must invest in a good VPN. PotatoVPN is one of my favorites. The main reason is it’s very easy to use.


Aurora 3-D Software

For engaging an audience on your social media channels, you have to start focusing more on videos. It has been analyzed again and again that videos perform better than images when it comes to grabbing the attention of people with a short attention span.

With the help of Aurora 3-D software, you can add animation to texts. And this text can then be made a part of your videos.

It’s one of the great digital retail marketing tools for improving numbers on your social media channels and sending referral traffic to your website from there.



Their free version comes with over 250,000 templates that you can use for designing your social media posts.

In addition, they also have their own collection of free photos and videos, making it easier for businesses to just focus on their social media marketing.


Zyro AI Heatmap

A very effective tool for predicting how your website visitors navigate on your website, on which part of the webpage do they spend the most time and where do they click the most.

As a retail marketer, if you know all this valuable information, you can easily make changes to your website to improve your conversion rates and sales.



A tool that makes it easy for you to spy on your competitors and learn what they’re doing. Now, you don’t have to manually monitor so many websites for analyzing your competitors’ moves, Hexowatch helps you save time by doing it automatically.

In addition, it can also spot trends as it works non-stop. It monitors visual, content, HTML, and technology web changes. Also, it scans keywords, sitemap, API, backlink, and source coding.

This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on those won’t cost you anything but we might get a cup of coffee with that which can help us not fall asleep while writing our next article.


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