How A Tea Or Coffee Brand Can Make Its Twitter More Engaging?

Hello Folks. For just a second today, I am going to channel my inner Lucifer (The Netflix show one) and ask you, What is it that you truly desire in the morning? I am sure a whole lot of you will answer Coffee. The remaining lot of you will answer tea, while some high-functioning people might just say both.

Many Coffee and Tea lovers are all around us. As a result, many coffee and tea brands are all around us as well. This means they are all trying various marketing and advertising strategies to attract customers to them. One of the core platforms that makes a part of their marketing and advertising plan is twitter.

Twitter presents itself with great marketing and advertising opportunities. With Twitter, you can get your brand to be heard, seen, and loved. Many coffee and tea brands are aware of this and they make their Twitter presence felt unique to all the audience.

So how are these coffee and tea brands keeping their Twitter audience engaged? How are they turning those audiences into their customers? And how can you as a coffee or a tea brand follow suit? This article will tell you all about it.

We extensively researched coffee and tea brands having the best presence on Twitter and shortlisted some tips for you. With these, you can increase your visibility and reach on Twitter and make it more engaging. So are you ready for this ride? Fasten your seatbelts folks, we are about to take off.

Why Does Your Coffee Or Tea Brand Need Twitter?

twitter engagement for tea or coffee brand

Before getting on the tips to make Twitter more engaging, first, you need to understand why you need Twitter. A lot of times it happens that we read about a marketing and advertising platform but we get confused as to how it will benefit us.

At the end of the day, we want to invest our time and energy in the platform that will drive traffic to us. Not only this, we want to focus on the platform that will help us find and retain a good, strong, and loyal customer base.


What Is The Data Saying?

When it comes to marketing and advertising your tea or coffee brand, Twitter is one of the most popular platforms these days. Not only it is influential for the audience, but also for the brands. According to a report, Twitter has an audience base of over 353 Million.

Not only this, 90% of the  USA audience is familiar with Twitter. Over 68.7 Million Twitter users are based in the US alone. (Source). This in itself is a huge motivation to use Twitter as a part of your marketing and advertising strategy.

However that’s not it, Reports also suggest that over 42% of Twitter users in the US have a college degree. This means that when your coffee or tea brand is making its mark on Twitter, you are reaching an audience that will make an informed decision.

When we learn about these statistics, We understand that Twitter is one of the most preferred marketing and advertising platform. However, these numbers aren’t the only reason your coffee or tea brand should have a Twitter presence. Here are the other reasons.


It’s One Of The Best Platforms To Show Your Brand Persona

As a tea or coffee brand, your brand has a personality. It has a way of talking, responding, posting, and presenting itself to the masses. This brand personality is what attracts people to your brand, and Twitter is one of the best platforms to showcase that.

Let’s take an example of a very popular coffee brand, Death Wish Coffee. If you go to Death Wish Coffee’s Twitter profile, you will understand that its name is in alignment with its personality. The feel of the entire profile is dark and strong, just like their coffee as they say.

This way Death Wish Coffee depicts its brand persona and Twitter helps it be heard, seen, and loved.


Twitter Is One Of The Most Interactive Platforms

In today’s time, an interactive brand is preferred over any other. A brand that makes less than perfect products indulges in an amazing interaction with its customers will be preferred over a brand that has a perfect product but has no interactive experience whatsoever.

Twitter is a place to actively voice our opinions. It is a place where people are constantly interacting and putting forth their points of view.

Literally, the smallest thing on Twitter starts a discussion of a magnanimous scale. As a result, It is one of the best places to interact with the audience.


Twitter Is Where Your Potential Customers Are

As the statistics already show, a lot of users are actively using Twitter. Any topic from anywhere in the world gets trending in seconds with a large number of tweets.

This goes to show how widely people use this platform. As a result, your coffee and tea brand would want to be at the epicenter of the customer base, wouldn’t it? Twitter is that epicenter.

So, you have to be like that cute little dog from the very old hutch advertisement. Remember it? “Wherever you go, we follow”. That’s how you should feel about the customers, and Twitter is where you should follow them.

Now that we have understood why your coffee or tea brand needs Twitter. Let’s understand what you can do to make Twitter more engaging.

How Can A Tea Or Coffee Brand Make Its Twitter More Engaging?

Keep The First Impression Attractive 

As the old saying goes, the first impression is truly the last impression. On a platform like Twitter and in general, too, people are very impatient. Their attention span is as shorter as 5 seconds. As a result, you need to set your first impression correct in order to grab their attention and interest.

For this, you need to begin with perfecting your Twitter profile’s appearance. It should be something that will immediately attract the attention of your audience. Let’s journey take a look at the Intelligentsia Coffee brand’s Twitter profile.


When you come to their profile, you will immediately take an interest in it. The entire profile is aesthetically color coordinated. When you enter this profile you will immediately understand intelligentsia is all about coffee which is a quality roast.

They also showcase their line of products in the header. This also includes the Oats latte. That way they will not only be targeting the regular audience but also come to the attention of vegan customers.

Moreover, in the location panel of the bio, they have listed most of the locations they operate in. One might think the profile has a very simplistic approach and that is its beauty. However, in that simplistic approach, a lot of thoughtfulness is clearly visible. This is what attracts the audience.


Think Global, Act Local 

When we are on Twitter, we are not only attracting the local audience but also the audience from all over the world. However, this doesn’t mean that we should forget the local audience or sideline them.

So what can we do to get the best of both worlds? Simple. We need to create a balance between local and global just like Lavazza does.


When you see the Lavazza general Twitter handle, it shows very well what it stands for. It also takes pride in being an Italian coffee brand and doesn’t shy away from highlighting that in its profile.

Not only this, the tweets in this handle are mostly in Italian. This way, they showcase that they keep their core values intact. However, the Lavazza USA page is a tad bit different from this one.


When you go to Lavazza USA’s page, you will notice how well it is localized to fit the understanding and culture of the US customer base.

They also collaborate with US-based influencers so that their standing in the US market becomes stronger as more people relate to them. Looks like a fun way to make a mark everywhere right? So, what did we learn from this? Correct. Think Global and Act locally.


Influencers And Collaborations Are Not Just For Instagram  

Many know the importance of influencers. However, many aren’t aware of the platforms we can collaborate with them on.

A lot of brands think that influencers are only viable on Instagram. This is not true. Twitter is a vast arena with multiple public figures, opinion leaders, and influencers voicing their thoughts and viewpoints.

From #BlackLivesMatter to the matters of Israel vs Palestine, many opinion leaders have motivated people to stand up, speak up and take action.

As a result, influencers and collaborations will work well with your tea and coffee brand too. Let’s take the example of the famous tea brand, Lipton.


When you go to Lipton’s Twitter profile, you will find it has a perfect balance of everything. One of the most frequently done posts is based on influencers and collaborations.

Let’s take this tweet, for instance, this is a perfect example of how Lipton helps others get noticed and in turn, gets its own brand noticed too.

The chef influencer’s blog was promoted here along with the promotion of Lipton tea on her page. End result? Win-win.


Creativity Will Give Your Brand A Stronger Kick 

In today’s world, creativity is everything. Without creativity, you cannot stand out. The competition in the tea and coffee market is multiple times greater than you can imagine.

As a result, if you keep doing the same thing as others, your individuality won’t shine. This will lead to audiences feeling that you are monotonous and boring.

Therefore, you have to constantly brew the beans of your mind and come up with creative ways to promote your coffee and tea brand.

Understanding Creativity From Death Wish Coffee

Again, I will tell you an example. If there’s one coffee brand whose Twitter profile you absolutely shouldn’t miss, it’s Death Wish Coffee.


It has an amazing creative profile that stands out. However, at the same time, it is in alignment with the brand persona. They do not shy away from being the dark lord.

They embrace the darkness instead, and in that darkness, they shine brighter. (I know I know I got too poetic there, but bear with me we are talking about creativity)

Anyway, let’s come back to Death Wish Coffee. The moment you enter their page, you’ll automatically feel dark and strong.

The bio itself has a creative touch that denotes what they stand for. It is an appropriate yet creative description of the kind of coffee they provide.

Next comes the header. As you can see in the picture, the header is an amazing take on a swear word. However, the creative minds have made that into a productive promotion of their coffee too.

Even when you scroll through their tweets, every tweet is creative and is always in the character of darkness and strength of the coffee.

As a result, their Twitter engagement rates of coffee/tea brands soar higher than the skyscrapers in Manhattan. This is the kind of creativity you need.

Creativity helps you stand out from the competitions. It also helps you create your own unique identification and standing in the minds of customers. Moreover, when they relate to you creatively, they will be with you for a long time. Share on X


Do More Than Talking About Yourself 

I always say this to my clients, too much self-promotion will hurt your brand. I understand that a lot of times you want the audience to know about your brand.

I understand you want to tell them your coffee or tea is premium quality. You want to tell them your coffee or tea is organic. You may even want to tell them how hygiene and health are important to your brand.

However, believe me, when I say this, customers aren’t interested in listening to you talk about yourself. Suppose I came to meet you. I sat down with you and started talking about my bags, shoes, closet, cutlery I own, and so on, would you be interested?

After a point, you’ll either stop listening or probably leave if you are too upfront. Well, audiences are way up front, if you keep talking about yourself, they will leave.

Therefore you have to constantly come up with engaging content that will interest your audience. Try a series of different kinds of tweets. Use hashtags in some, polls in others, and video or GIF in something else.

Keep trying, testing, and experimenting with the tweets and see what drives the most Twitter engagement of coffee or tea brand. This way you will attract different lots of audiences and add to more visibility and engagement.

Arizona iced tea follows this. When you take a look at their Twitter handle, you will see a lot of tweets that demand some kind of action from the audience.

This tweet, for instance, has significant engagement because it stands out from the rest. They constantly bring about a variety of content that goes above and beyond talking about their brand.

This way, their engagement rate is one of the best in the coffee or tea industry.



Interaction Drives Engagement

I had already stated the importance of interaction before. Twitter is one of the most interactive platforms we have.

A lot of people come to this platform to engage in real time interaction. As a result, if you want to increase the engagement of your brand, you’ll need to be interactive.


Bigelow tea understands the importance of interaction on Twitter very well. As a result, interaction is one of the primary twitter strategies that Bigelow tea follows.

They are always very prompt in responding to every mention, reply, and Retweets. They are also very proactive in making the tea experience better for their customers.

When there is any query or grievance, they promptly respond to it, solve it and follow up on it as well. As a result, they are loved by the audience.

When you understand that interaction is the essence of Twitter engagement for your coffee or tea brand, you will be heard, seen, and loved. 


Bonus Tip: Don’t Be Afraid Of The Analytics

I covered a lot of Twitter engagement tips for your coffee and tea brand. However, how will you know if those tips are reaping results or not?

This is where analytics come. I talked a lot about creativity, different kinds of content, and so on, but understanding and evaluating their results is important too.

When you go on Twitter, on the left side you will find the option of analytics. There, you will get all the detailed insight on every tweet and post you made.  You can understand all about Twitter engagement for your tea or coffee brand through these analytics.

You will understand which tweet got how many engagements. You can then understand what works for your tea or coffee brand and what doesn’t.

By analyzing the numbers on your tweets and posts, you will gain an understanding of your brand’s performance. You will understand which tweet was a high-performing one, what is garnering engagements, and what isn’t working.

Then, you can use the ones which are working more often and discard the ones that aren’t. A healthy balance of data and creativity in your Twitter strategy will help your brand shine and spread its aroma to potential customers. 

How does it get any better than this right?

Go Organic And GMO Free!Effective Grass-fed Marketing & Advertising Techniques

Are You Ready To Brew Your Twitter With Freshly Roasted Ideas?

So there it is. I stated some ways in which your coffee and tea brand can increase its Twitter engagement.

Needless to say, this isn’t an exhaustive list. There are a plethora of ways to carry your business on Twitter. Moreover, even if two brands operate in the same industry, their presence and essence are totally different.

So, you find out what works for you and take it from there. Keep churning your brain and serve different kinds of Twitter donuts to the audience with the coffee or Twitter cookies with the tea.

Getting too overwhelmed? Don’t worry. I understand that as a coffee and tea brand it may become too much having to handle it all.

This is where a digital marketing agency comes in. While you take care of delivering the best coffee or tea to your customers, a digital marketing agency will help you be heard, be seen, and be loved.

So, if you want to start increasing the Twitter engagement of your coffee or tea brand, you can always reach out to us. We will be happy to help. And oh, we would love to have a cup of that tea or coffee while we are at it.

That’s it, folks. Until next time. Till then, stay safe, take care, and get vaccinated if you haven’t already.


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