ABC of Sustainable Advertising: The Only Guide You Need

Sustainability is all that is trending these days. If you want to advertise your brand, you need to go with sustainable advertising of your product. A study by KPMG says that 80% of businesses follow sustainability.

Remember every little change makes a huge difference, so start today, stary now.

There have always been some arguments or the other on sustainability but now the times have changed. Especially the field of advertising and marketing. So adapt yourself according to it. 

Let us first understand all about sustainable advertising.


What is Sustainable Advertising?

sustainable ads

Sustainable advertising refers to reducing negative environmental and social impacts associated with the production and distribution of advertising messages or products.

Numerous companies these days are committing to reduce harmful effects on the environment that are associated with advertising.

Sustainable advertising aims at addressing carbon footprints and putting one step forward to save the planet earth.

For instance, print advertising has a great impact on the environment because of the carbon dioxide that is released into the air as a result of the production and distribution process of print media.

It includes the production of paper, petroleum-based ink, and plastics. Adhesives and many more.

Similarly, digital media may also have environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions associated with the manufacturing and operation of servers and datacenter devices, and many more.

So, your brand must take care of sustainable needs and come up with sustainable advertising ideas. 

However, why did this agency come up with the concept of sustainable advertising? Why is it important? Let’s understand.



Why is Sustainable Advertising Important?

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Sustainability in advertising is gaining importance these days.

Brands with sustainability are highly approached by the customers. So let us try to understand why sustainable advertising is important for your brand.


Helps in Improving Brand Image

Consumers like those brands and products that are sustainable in their approach and are responsible for the environment. 

So when your brand focuses on sustainability to advertise itself, it tends to improve its brand image. 

It gains respect in the eyes of your customers and makes them reach out to you in times of their needs.


Attracts More Customers

As discussed, sustainability is most attractive to your customers. They like responsible brands that stay positive to both nature and the customers. 

When you showcase yourself as environment friendly, you are going to engage more customers than your competitors.

For instance, if your brand believes in saving electricity, you can showcase ideas and varied ways to use natural resources like cow dung to generate energy.


Increases Productivity and Sales

When your target customers find that you are sustainable, you are going to be popular in the market. More customers will turn to you for satisfying their needs. Moreover, people, these days demand eco-friendly and sustainable products.

For instance, during friendship day, people exchange friendship bands. These bands are sustainable and can turn into a tree after it is used. Your customers can plant that band in soil and it will grow into a plant.

So, brands advertise their product in a way that attracts customers.



4 Sustainable Advertising Examples

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Now that you have understood the importance of sustainable advertising, Let’s take a look at a few examples of sustainable advertising that you can take inspiration from.

So, are you ready? Let’s begin. 




The most famous tech brand, Apple is also known for its sustainable branding and advertising.

It is committed to creating products that are highly innovative and eco-friendly in its approach.

They are also aiming to power all the facilities of Apple with 100% renewable energy soon. Apple is also investing in new technology to boost the environmental friendliness of its operations. 



Coca Cola Paper Bottle

Coca-cola is not much immune to the rising demands of sustainable brands in this changing world.

In recent years the company has made efforts to achieve its three most important environmental goals, including water preservation, sustainable packaging, and energy and climate protection.

This brand has also embraced the environmental management system standard to ensure that its bottles include 24% less plastic.




Dell is also committed to reducing its impact on the environment by creating sustainable computers equipment and recyclable packaging.

It also aims at using renewable sources of energy like solar panels to reduce the harmful impact on the planet.

Dell said that they are investing in removing 86 million metric tons of plastic from the ocean and using those resources to create new products.



sustainable toms ads

TOMS is another sustainable brand. It is not only committed to sustainability but does everything to make the world a better place- one pair of shoes at a time.

It was designed by Blake Mycoskie when he discovered that many children were growing up without shoes. So to solve this problem, it launched a non-profit business that donated a pair of shoes every time a customer bought a pair.

TOMS also offered clean drinking water, eye service, and safe birth kits to communities worldwide.

Besides these, it also respected the planet and made shoes and shoeboxes with recyclable and sustainable materials.



7 Sustainable Advertising Mistakes to Avoid

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Sustainability is a very popular term and most brands follow it.

Also, there are many brands that make many mistakes in sustainable advertising their brand. So, we will take a look at a few sustainable advertising mistakes that should be avoided.


Not Having a Sustainability Policy

Sustainability stays at the core of a business. When you become committed to it, you should follow it in a proper way.

Sustainability is best implemented when a brand incorporates environmental, social & economic elements in it. If any businesses practices are unsustainable they need to modify their practices to reduce the adverse impacts on the environment.

In that case, businesses need to create a sustainability policy and also create the right principle of action for the business.

In simple language, you need to pen down a framework of your sustainability commitments.


Not Having a Proper Sustainable Advertising Strategy

When you place your sustainable policy well, a strategy needs to be created. Without a strategy, it becomes difficult for businesses to create a plan for advertising.

So while you create your sustainable advertising strategy, it is important for you to have a plan first. When you implement it in phases, your sustainable advertising works.


Not Being Practical 

Your sustainable advertising works when your approach is practical. When it comes to sustainable advertising, they need to be very practical yet relatable to your customers.

Some businesses unnecessarily connect sustainability with innovation and try to advertise it. It doesn’t seem natural but is forced. So such ads do not work.

 You need to be practical in a natural way. 

Forgetting Sustainable Communication

This aspect is overlooked by many businesses. Efforts on sustainable communication are very important to cover your sustainable efforts to your client.

Clearly communicate what your sustainable ad aims at and also tell everything about your product and service.

So remember to plan your activities in a well-defined manner. This will help you to gain more visibility.


Expecting Overnight Results

Every element related to sustainability, be it marketing or advertising, cannot give immediate results. It is a matter of continuous effort to gain success.

If you want your business to be heard, be seen, and be loved, you need to be consistent with the thinking of getting results in just one night.

Your business needs to look at various sustainable aspects to advertise it. For instance, it should suit your customers’ needs.


Not Matching Words With Actions

This is one of the biggest sustainable advertising mistakes many brands make.

You can put all the words, themes, and beautiful scenery in your sustainable advertising campaign.

However, if you do not match your words with your actions, your audience will be put off majorly.

We all know our target audience operates from a place of emotional quotient these days. They are also very observant and one tiny disparity will not go unnoticed by them.

So, if you say one thing and show another thing, your brand value will sink down terribly. That isn’t something we want right?


Not Having a Unique Sustainability Point of View

As you already know, many brands are coming up with sustainable advertising. So your brand should come up with something unique to advertise yourself. 

In this respect, social media can surely help you. Check out what your competitors are doing but do not copy them. Just take their ideas and come up with your unique idea. 


Uniqlo And Sustainable Marketing: A Case Study

sustainable marketing and advertising

It is no surprise that sustainable marketing and advertising have been becoming increasingly important. This is what many brands have been following, one such brand being Uniqlo.

The winter is here and we all witnessed the first snow of this year. During this time, Uniqlo has launched its Uniqlo U Recycled Down Jacket. A product that is recycled from head to toe.

Uniqlo has long been an advocate of sustainable advertising. However, this time, they want it all out.

This is their first-ever 100% recycled down jacket. Consumers are now becoming more aware of the environment, and they want to purchase from companies that think like them.

It’s a perfect way to do your part to solve your brand’s environmental and social challenges. Moreover, it is important to find sustainable alternatives, something that Uniqlo has tried to show with their products.

Their jackets are made from Uniqlo’s customers’ old and discarded clothing. Not only this, but they also use feather clothes that have been returned to their stores. These old clothing pieces are transformed into jackets using a unique technology that looks brand-new.

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Sustainable Advertising Agency and Its Services

A sustainable advertising agency is fully dedicated to the environment and serving sustainably to its customers. It not only improves the product but also improves their quality of life. 

After all, the environment is our only means of survival. If we neglect it, it will neglect us. So as a brand be cautious in your tasks be it your production process, distribution, or working on digital grounds.

For instance, Bizadmark is a sustainable agency that creates holistic marketing and advertising strategies for all sustainable brands.

We offer services like tailored brand voice and vision optimization, data-driven holistic marketing strategies, and many more.

We believe in saving the environment and letting people know about the brands that are doing the same.

This is why we believe in involving ourselves with ethical marketing by staying true to its values.



Walking Hand In Hand With Sustainability

sustainable marketing and advertising

There is more to sustainable marketing than just a new way of doing your marketing. Sustainable marketing and advertising are the need of the hour. Especially now when the world is hit by a lot of warnings that we as citizens of this planet must protect it.

It is your responsibility to give back to the earth, give back something to the people that you love. The implementation of socially responsible policies goes a long way towards attracting your customers.

Uniqlo has also started a program where the customers carry discarded items to their stores. These products are then donated or recycled. Not only this, customers would receive a voucher as part of their service that can be used online or offline.

Therefore, choosing green advertising is a way to get your organization on the better side of the community. The more the organization is socially conscious, the more you would receive support and encouragement from society and your customers.



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