10 Best Sustainable Marketing Books For Managers Promoting A Sustainable Brand

In this blog, I’m going to list the 10 best sustainable marketing books that every marketing manager must read in order to better understand the nuances of sustainable marketing.

The way we did marketing in the past is no longer applicable to the businesses of tomorrow.

Earlier everything was focused on increasing the profits of the organization you’re working for. Not anymore.

I’m not saying that businesses don’t care about profits. Because they do! That’s why they are doing the business.

What matters now is making a profit without hurting the planet.

Therefore, sustainability is becoming more and more important for modern marketers. The competitive edge a company gets by being sustainable can’t be ignored and every marketer needs to be aware of how to introduce sustainability to even their marketing strategies.

Moreover, marketing managers not just have to form sustainable marketing strategies but also need to effectively communicate them to their target audience.

This list will help anyone in understanding the AtoZ of sustainable marketing and how they can engage in purpose-driven marketing. This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on those won’t cost anything but we might get a cup of coffee with that which can help us not fall asleep while writing our next article.

Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to Community-Based Social Marketing

By Doug McKenzie-Mohr


As our planet continues fighting for its survival, sustainable actions become unavoidable for any brand. Every brand has a tribe of its own and when that tribe decides to choose your sustainable product over others, the impact becomes huge.

This book talks about how to transform the good intentions of people into actions.

In addition, it tells us how community-based marketing is our solution for fighting the current planet problems we’re facing. As when one person takes a sustainable action, the results aren’t so big. But when an entire community decides to not use plastics, the results multiply enormously.


Sustainable Marketing: How to Drive Profits with Purpose

By Michelle Carville, Gemma Butler, and Geraint Evans


This book is a guide on sustainable marketing that will teach you how to implement and maintain sustainability in your marketing plan.

In addition, this will provide you with everything you need to turn your business sustainable and successful – case studies, facts, figures, and in-depth interviews.

It’s not a secret anymore that consumers like those brands that favor sustainability and this book will train you in how to create a sustainable marketing strategy that appeals to the masses.


The New Rules of Green Marketing: Strategies, Tools, and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding

By Jacquelyn A. Ottman


If you want to know how to make a profit while saving the planet, this is the book for you.

Additionally, this book tells us how to do sustainable marketing to attract the majority and not just a selected few who are openly green brand supporters

With this book, green brands can now learn how to build awareness even among the general masses, how to educate them of their products’ superiority and environmental friendliness.

So, the best part, the author will also educate you on how to do sustainable marketing effectively so as not to get blamed for greenwashing.


Sustainable Marketing: Managerial – Ecological Issues

By Donald A. Fuller


In this book, the author explores various reasons why studying sustainable marketing is becoming mandatory for every marketing manager these days.

It also talks about strategy, products, channel networks, communications, pricing and even market development for sustainable brands.

This one is a very detailed book that empowers managers with a lot of valuable information on the right way of doing sustainable marketing.


The Business Guide to Sustainability: Practical Strategies and Tools for Organizations

By Darcy Hitchcock


Here you’ll find a comprehensive sustainable strategy that you can implement for your own company. The good part about this book is that the teachings in it can be easily applied to small businesses, medium businesses as well as enterprises.

Not to mention, this book takes a step further and talks about how sustainability can be introduced in every department of an organization like HR, accounting, IT, and not just marketing.


The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook: Building New Bridges, Second Edition

By Jeanna Wirtenberg, Linda M. Kelley, David Lipsky, William G. Russell

Sustainable Marketing Books

This book tells us how the growing demand for sustainable products offers a lot of opportunities to businesses. And they should not fear it as a threat to their existing product.

So, You will find case studies, tools, and a lot of analytical information that can be used by managers and leaders to propel their business forward towards real sustainability.


Brands on a Mission: How to Achieve Social Impact and Business Growth Through Purpose

By Myriam Sidibe

Sustainable Marketing Books (4)

What makes this book different from others is the interviews and stories of over 100 CEOs, brand managers, and thought leaders who talk about how impact can be made by focusing on purpose rather than just profit.

As a matter of fact, you’ll learn how purpose became a part of Unilever and various other giant brands.

And this will also will guide you in developing impactful social missions even for your brand.


Magnify Your Impact: Powering Profit With Purpose

By Maggie z. Miller and Hannah Nokes

Sustainable Marketing Books


Learn how having a purpose can transform your business. As business leaders are not only required to solve their brands’ problems but also solve the world’s problems. They have to increase the shareholders’ value but they also have to make this world more liveable.

Moreover, Any manager or leader that focuses on both profit and purpose unlocks a higher business growth potential for the brand it’s working for.

Furthermore, this book will also tell you how profit and purpose when combined together in any organization, can skyrocket its business growth.


Greener Marketing

By John Grant

Sustainable Marketing Books

The author tells us what does “good marketing” actually means. It’s not the marketing that looks good but it’s the marketing that does good.

Moreover, you’ll also learn how to form sustainable marketing strategies that’ll actually achieve your green objectives rather than just greenwashing your efforts. The book is full of great examples and case studies for easy understanding.


Good Is The New Cool: Market Like You Give A Damn

By Afdhel Aziz and Bobby Jones

Sustainable Marketing Books

The new generation is changing. For them, a brand that also cares about the planet and the community is far better than any other one. This new group of consumers doesn’t fall for old advertising tactics. They admire more genuine sustainable efforts by businesses.

And this book will educate you on how to do sustainable marketing that appeals to this group of consumers and how can they also improve their image.

So, The companies need to think about profits as well as the planet. When you do that, it actually makes you look cool. And being a cool business is pretty hip and trendy.


Successful Business Owners Learn From Mistakes Others Make

Business survival and growth book

The secret to success in business isn’t doing what other successful people have done; it’s by avoiding the mistakes made by businesses that have failed. Instead of repeating their mistakes, now we can learn from them and best ensure business growth and commercial success.

17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail brings the cautionary tales of mistakes made by many businesses that ultimately led to their failure and which other businesses should avoid at all costs if they plan to survive and grow. Get your copy.


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