3 Rock-solid Steps to Create Effective Social Media Engagement Strategy

Social Media Engagement Strategy

In this blog, we are going to learn how to create a social media engagement strategy that can give a new life to your social media channels. You will see more followers and more engagement everywhere.

Why need a marketing plan

More than half of the population is on social media. In a scenario like that, making a social media account for your business is not going to help you stand out in the crowd of social citizens. If you just do that, you might end up becoming a part of the digital noise and as a result, being ignored, instead of being connected with your audience.

If being ignored is the final result of all the efforts, time, and money that you put into your social media channels, is it still worth it?

Definitely not! You are joining social media like many others because you want to increase profits by increasing your product sales and there is no other faster and easier way to reach your audience than social media.

But the ease of reach on social media channels should not encourage you in doing whatever you want there or doing anything without thinking.


Understanding the Whys to Create a Social Media Engagement Strategy

Why do businesses spend so much time and effort deciding their TV commercial but none in their social media posts? They both are kinda the same and will serve the same purpose if used efficiently.

Why are we putting so much research and hard work on one channel and none on the other when they all have the same audience?

The medium has changed with time but the audience remains the same. That’s why, if you are not taking your Instagram or Facebook audience seriously, you will end up sabotaging all your social media efforts sooner or later.

Maybe it’s time for you to start putting the same amount of thoughts and research in your Facebook ad or video ad as you do on your TV.

The first step to that is having a social media marketing strategy to make your customers listen.


What is a Social Media Engagement Strategy?

A social media engagement strategy is a strategy that gives direction to your social media marketing efforts by improving your social media engagement rate and making sure that all your actions are helping you in achieving your business goals.


What is Your Social Media Marketing Goal?

In other words, it is a set of social media actions which when followed as planned will lead to your business success. So, what is your social media goal?

Posting on social media

Posting on social media to increase your followers

Not to disappoint you but none of those two are social media marketing strategies or social media marketing goals.

A perfect social media strategy will have a goal that will help you in reaching closer to your dream business.

To figure out your goal, start the chain of ‘whys?’

I want to be on social media.


Because I want to post on social media.


Because I want to increase my followers.


Because some of those followers might become my customers.


Because I am offering a product that solves their problems in this particular area much better than any other products available in the market.

From this chain, you can see that your first goal should be to create a product that is needed in the market and desired by your audience. Once you have done this, your next goal will be to increase your customer base (including increasing customer satisfaction.)

Social Media Marketing Strategy To Make Customers Listen


How to Create an Effective Social Media Engagement Strategy?

I am sure that the social media goal for most businesses is to increase their customer base. But this is a dinosaur-age business goal. The modern goal is to use a social media marketing strategy to make your customers listen.

Having a set of dissatisfied customers in your customer base is not fruitful to any. As a result, I will recommend that your improved social media goal should be to increase your customer equity.

Customer equity increases when your customers are happy and satisfied when they love what you do, and most importantly, reward you with your attention. In such a case, you never have to come up with cheap tactics to steal their attention.

They are all ears. Not just that, they are also willing to spread the word about your product which doubles the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.


Step 1) Understand Your Customers (Social Media Engagement Strategy)

Let’s try to understand your customer a little. In general, your customer is seeing around 4000 to 10000 ads in a day.

Consequently, they are continuously interrupted by enjoying social media. Their attention is being stolen by unwanted and unnecessary ads. This has led to a new form of customer evolution.

This evolved customer has mastered the art of ignoring any kind of online advertising, even if it’s right there in front of their eyes.

What is Banner Blindness? 

We have already heard of banner blindness where a customer ignores any kind of social media banner message they see on. They are figuring out similar ways of tuning out for the other forms of online advertising as well.

Customers no longer watch your ad on YouTube, they engage themselves in some other activities till the ad is showing on YouTube and then they press skip.

As more and more people are joining social media, more and more users are learning how to ignore them.


How Can Businesses Fight Banner Blindness?

What will happen if you try to show your digital ad to an already frustrated social media user?

He will lose complete interest in your product and even worse, will form a negative perception about you which will be very tough for you to change in the future.

When it comes to playing with consumers’ perceptions, my golden rule is to always be careful with what you are doing. Instead of ‘stop and smell the roses,’ you should ‘stop and smell your social media actions.’ Share on X

Try not to become noise on the internet, try to become that dulcet voice that makes them forget what they are doing and want to figure out where that voice is coming from.

Give them a wonderful, creative moment so they unmute their YouTube ads, stop scrolling past your ad on Facebook, and get lost in this amazing digital experience that you have created especially for them.

Let them think for a moment, wow! Who are these guys? Why have I never heard of them? Or why have I not paid any attention to them earlier?

Social Media Marketing Strategy To Make Customers Listen

Step 2) Find Ways to Delight Your Customers (Social Media Engagement Strategy)

The goal is to use a social media marketing strategy to make your customers listen. Your customers will start listening to you when you will start thinking like your customer when you will start advocating for their satisfaction and delight.

Next time when you plan to post something on social media, stop and think for a moment, “Is this something that is noise or delight for my customers?

If the answer is the former, then don’t do that. It’s better not to post anything than to post something nobody wants to see or hear. Better spend your current time and budget on market research services which will give you a better understanding of your audience.

You’re welcome! (You will thank me later for this!)

In case, your answer is the latter, then let’s start first by congratulating you for being able to figure out what exactly your customer wants.

Step 3) Communicate Your Message Effectively and Creatively (Social Media Engagement Strategy)

Now, the next important step comes is how to communicate your message to your audience so that they also see the value in it and don’t end up ignoring it.

Remember that social media video advertising and TV advertising are kinda the same things. If one is easily available doesn’t make it less important than the other form.

Can you give the task of your TV ad creation to anyone? No! You will freak out. Why? Because your reputation is at stake here and you want your customer to remember your ad.

When it comes to social media ads, why do we become so lenient? We don’t care who is creating the ad, what kind of process is involved behind that, or if the ad is even based on some solid research?

Social Media can Damage Your Reputation

Unlike TV advertising where if you have run a bad ad, the bad publicity will die down after some time, on social media/internet it’s going to live there forever.

This means your reputation is 1000 times more at stake on social media. And also, because social media advertising has become available to everyone.

Your digital ad needs to be 1000X or even 100,000 times more memorable than TV ads.

That’s why make sure that your social media is handled by a team of creative experts who excel in digital advertising.

You want an agency that can instill creativity even in your boring messages that your audience can’t help but notice you.

Like at Bizadmark, we go by the motto of ‘Be Heard. Be Seen. Be Loved,’

We understand how crowded social media is and we make sure that the action plan for your social media is adding to customer satisfaction and not to their frustration.

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Why Your Social Media Engagement is Low?

Social media is a very useful tool, but only if used in the right way. As a business owner, your job should always be to add to the satisfaction of your audience.

This satisfaction can be such that can’t be achieved if you’re being reported, marked spammed, or ignored by your audience.

In short, the reason why your audience is not listening to you and engaging with your social media accounts is because of the two factors:

You don’t know who your audience is.

You don’t know how to communicate your message to them.

Luckily, there are solutions to both those problems.

If you fall into the first group, why not invest in market research services and learn more about your audience? If you belong to the second part?

Why not involve a creative digital advertising agency from New York or some other states who are experts at delivering the right digital message to the right audience in a way that gets noticed.

Whatever kind of problem you are facing with your social media channels – social media strategy, social media branding, social media research, social media creative advertising, we are here for you.

We are doing it for more than 15 years. We have kind of become experts at knowing what works and what doesn’t. Drop us a message.


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