6 Expert Ways of Showcasing Brand Personality on Social Media

Brand personality refers to the set of human characteristics that are associated with the brands. Brands usually define their personality to resonate with the needs of their customers.

A brand’s personality should aim at giving a positive message to its target audience. It should also aim to elicit a positive emotional response from its targeted customers.

It helps brands to increase their customer equity by having a consistent set of traits that are enjoyed by a specific set of consumers.

Just remember that your customers will purchase from you if your brand’s personality is similar to what they want.



Why Showcasing Brand Personality is Important?

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Brand personality is very important for a brand’s popularity and growth. It helps in easing communication between your brand and customers.

Moreover, it helps customers to form an emotional connection with the brand thus uplifting it.

Brand personality helps in forming a unique identity of the brand which makes it different from others and helps in the clearer association.

A strong and clear brand personality is a great way to stand out of the crowd and beat the competition in the market.

It also helps brands create brand loyalty by forming an effective brand-customer relationship.

How to Create a Brand Personality?

The goals of brand personality may sound the same but the approaches can be different which can be molded by different businesses. It depends on you and the needs of your customers.

Here are a few tips on how to create the best brand personality for your brand.

Cater to Your Target Customers

The priority of your brand is to meet the needs of your customers. So, to form your brand personality, you need to cater to the needs of your target audiences.

You already know who your target audiences are and what they want. So, you should focus on their needs and come up with ideas to fulfill their needs. That will help work wonders.


Describe Your Ideal Brand Personality

This is a great tip to create your brand personality. It helps you become creative thus getting greater visibility.

Moreover, if you have any problem in deciding your traits, you can also make a list of adjectives describing your brand personality.

Doing this will help you in solidifying your brand value and help you to take a place in the market. This list of words will appeal to them thus attracting them towards you.


Treat Your Brand as a Person

This may sound a bit unusual, but trust me it can be very effective if you treat your brand like a human.

It helps you visualize your brand thus creating a perfect brand persona. 

Treating your brand as a real person also helps you to take the right direction in terms of your brand personality.



5 Ways of Showcasing Brand Personality on Social Media

Your consumers always find ways to form connections with your brand. As discussed earlier, give a human touch to your brand. This helps in developing a quick connection with the customers.

So, how can you showcase your brand personality? It is you who need to be aware in terms of your brand and its personality. So, let us have a look at some ways that will help you in showcasing your brand personality.


Personalize ‘About Me’ Section

You are described better in your about me section. It describes – who you are and what you aim to give. You can explain how you chose this business and why is it your passion.

Do not be afraid to showcase yourself in front of everyone. It opens up your prospects and helps in increasing traffic to your site. Tell everyone what makes you unique from others. 

You can also create short bios of each member of your company and what they specialize in. You need to convince people that you are competent and can satisfy their needs.


Write in First Person

Writing in the first person helps you effectively form a direct connection with your customers. This is a real opportunity for you to share your real voice. So, write in the way you speak, simple and direct.

Tell your customers what is important to you and how can your brand make a positive impact. When you write from your heart, your customers will surely support you and your mission.


Keep Adding Photos

To showcase your brand personality, you should keep adding photos of your offerings, your, your workspace, and even your passionate employees. This helps your customers to gain trust and purchase your products and services.

Remember, trust is the core component of intent to purchase. So, never lose it.


Create Posts Beyond Your Products and Services


Write on things that are beyond your products and services. Write on things that you love and your customers can relate to.

This will also help in showcasing your brand personality.

Brand personality is not all about your products and services. It is a lot more about the broader aspect that helps your customers relate to you.

When your customers see you highlighting your interests, it helps them see you as a whole person whom they can relate to. Use your creativity to develop connections with your customers.


Be Alive and Relevant

Another best way to showcase your brand personality is by being relevant to the needs of your target audiences. Combine your brand values, mission, and goals with real-life customer interaction.

Whatever you give to your customers should resonate with your brand voice. This is something that helps you develop your brand personality.


How is Heinz Connecting With its Customers?

How long can you wait? Because Heinz does not believe in speeding up things.  Brand personality gives a brand its own identity and Heinz has used this as a marketing strategy well to connect with its audience. 

brand personality
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Fans are being put to the test to win one of Heinz’s new burger packs, a swag bundle targeted for family dinners. Heinz Ketchup, like all good stuff, is worth the wait, even if it means staring at an all-Heinz-red loading screen for 57 minutes.

The new Heinz Burger Kits are built to provide people with the ingredients for a backyard barbecue. It comes with a red spatula, a custom apron, a custom grill mitt, napkins, bowls, Heinz ketchup, mustard, and sweet relish in 20-ounce bottles.

Brands have become a lot more creative when it comes to delivering digital distractions to those at home. This stunt is Heinz’s new effort to capitalize on the fact that many homebound people have a lot of spare time during the pandemic.

It helps in brand differentiation and clear connection. It also makes communication with customers simpler. Your product’s consistency, usage, and packaging must convey the desired personality. Your brand’s priorities and culture should always be expressed in your brand’s personality.


Winning Customers with Brand Personality

After all, brand personality is how you want your brand to act. An unexpected gesture, a clever picture, or creative marketing can turn your brand into a household name. Sincere brands are ethical, responsible, and considerate of their customers’ needs. Such brands have a lot of success in terms of winning customer trust. 

You will gain brand loyalty if you create your brand through consistent messaging. Since they can connect to you, your customers would prefer your brand over others.

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