Effective SEO Copywriting Technique: What, Why and How?

In this article we are going to learn more about SEO copywriting, what makes it different from normal copywriting, and how it can help your business get a better search engine ranking.

You must have come across the word “SEO” at least once by now.

Why is everyone keep talking about SEO?

SEO is like opening a big store on Manhattan Avenue. And you know what that means? Tons of foot traffic every day. The best part is you don’t even have to pay expensive New York City real estate costs.

The reason you are reading this blog is that you have decided that you want to move your business from a small unknown town to the bustling Times Square in New York City.

Imagine what all you will be able to gain by having your business there.

That city never sleeps and the business never stops.

Similarly, the first page results of Google bring tons of web traffic – day and night.



Understanding SEO

how long seo take

SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization is a strategy used to improve the search engine ranking of a business.


That search engine can be Google.


Or even Amazon.

When you type any word or phrase on Google, the results that you see on the first page are the perfect examples of strong SEO work.

If they wouldn’t have paid attention to their effective SEO copywriting technique to improve their visibility on Google, they would have been lagging behind in this race.

Any web results that we see from the 2nd page to the 5th page of Google represent all those businesses who are trying their best to reach the first page of Google.

And if the businesses on the first of Google are not strategic enough in their SEO, they would be soon thrown off their top position.

You might be wondering:

“What about the businesses who are not in the top five search result pages?”

Those businesses have either just started their SEO work or haven’t heard about SEO yet.


Why Being on the First Page of Google Matters?

google search


You already have got an idea of why SEO is super important for your business. But let me help you understand it even more.

Think about your last Google search. What did you type? How far did you explore the results before clicking on a link? Did you like the link on which you clicked? Did you have to exit that website and click on a different one?

Here’s the deal:

Most people don’t go past the first page of Google. Some do explore the 2nd and 3rd pages but anything after that hardly attracts any kind of web traffic.

It won’t be a bad idea to start paying attention to your own searching style on Google. It’s going to help you a lot in understanding the importance of SEO copywriting.

I personally never click on anything after the fifth page of any search engine.

It gets worse:

If I am an ideal customer for any business and if they are not in the first five pages of Google, they lose by the business without even getting a chance to impress me.


What is SEO Copywriting? What Does SEO Copywriting Mean?

effective seo copywriting technique

SEO involves working on so many factors at the same time.

We keep hearing about the importance of keywords, link building, and content. But what we never hear much about the role of SEO copywriting.

This is crazy:

Content plays a very important role in SEO but not just any kind of content.

Writing for magazines, newspapers, books and even your past college assignments is not the same as writing for the search engines.

You will be required to unlearn everything you learned about writing and acquire a completely new skill.

If you don’t have enough time for that, you can always work with a digital marketing agency.

But content that is SEO-friendly. Let’s try to understand it this way: your website is your online store which you are going to use to attract online buyers.

To attract those buyers, content plays a very important role – your web content and even your blog.

Every piece of content that you are going to have on your website is going to be very crucial in defining your SEO success. Try not to take those very lightly.


What Kind of Web Content Do You Need?

Your web content needs to be:

Not just amazing at making your target audience interested in your product or service. But it should also be effective at wowing the search engines.

Want to know the best part:

Wowing search engines is actually possible. It just requires a little knowledge of SEO copywriting.


Effective Website SEO Copywriting Technique to Your Rescue

Effective SEO Copywriting technique is the process of creating amazing content which is not just loved by humans but also by the search engine algorithms.

But here’s the kicker:

Every algorithm has its own way of deciding which business to show on top and which one on the 30th page.

What you learn about Google might not be applicable to Amazon. The Amazon algorithm can have totally different rules. And you will be required to understand that before you try to rank anything there.

The sad part is:

These Algorithms are not constant. All these corporations are continuously updating them.

This implies you have to be very active in the field of SEO. Otherwise you can be on top one day but risk losing your position if any kind of algorithm changes occur.

You must be interested in knowing exactly are the rules of these algorithms:

I wish there was a list!

None of these corporations ever publicly tell how they decide their results but they give some hints. In addition, marketers who have been working in the field of SEO for a long time start understanding their functioning as well.

So, if you can write something which a human likes but a search engine loves, you have cracked the code to attract uncontrollable traffic to your website.


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Copywriting versus SEO Copywriting

effective seo copywriting technique

The two things happen when Somebody lands on your website:

  • They leave because your website doesn’t have what they were looking for
  • They stay and engage because they found exactly what they were searching for.


If customers are finding your website on the search engines but are still not engaging with it, it can be due to poor SEO.

So, what is a poor SEO strategy? I’m glad you asked.

A poor SEO strategy is designed for the purpose of mainly getting loved by the search engine algorithms without caring much about human needs.

Here’s what you need to know:

A writing done to impress humans = Copywriting

A writing done to impress humans + search engines = SEO Copywriting

Before you start working on your SEO copywriting, you need to remember that it is not just about stuffing keyphrases everywhere in your content.

Don’t underestimate the smartness of Google! Google can actually penalize you for any such tricks.

What’s even worse, in addition to being disliked by the one you’re trying to impress, Google:

You come across as so robotic that your customers start avoiding your website because they can’t understand the content that you’re mainly writing for search engines.

A good SEO strategy is very well-balanced in its approach. It targets both – your customers and those search engines.

Indeed, it’s a little biased towards your humans rather than robots and Google loves when you do that.

If you start writing just for the search engines, you will not be liked by them. You have to pay attention to the needs of your customers as well as the search engines. And search engines care deeply about your customer needs.


SEO copywriting is an important part of an effective SEO strategy. It aims at creating super well-written content that your customer loves. Even the structure of your content plays a very crucial role here. Share on X



Why Do You Need SEO Copywriting?

Try to answer these questions:

  • Do your website and its various pages appear in the top Google search results?
  • Are your web pages attracting quality traffic?
  • Are people buying or availing of your services after landing at your website?

If your answer is “no” to even one of these questions, then you are not doing SEO copywriting and you have to start it right away.

The purpose of effective SEO copywriting technique is to grab your audience’s attention and satisfy their worried mind. You’ve to answer all their queries (even unspoken ones) in a language that they can easily understand and relate to.

This is the kind of content that your audience won’t even shy away from sharing with others.

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