5 Mind-blowing Quora Marketing Tips for Startups

Quora Marketing Tips for Startups

This is our other blog related to social media marketing. Last week, we discussed Viber and how it can be included as a part of your marketing plan. This time we are touching another very famous social media platform – Quora.

I am very sure that everyone must have used Quora at least 1 time. Whenever we are stuck with some question and we need an answer, Quora comes to our rescue.


What is Quora?

Quora is a social media platform where people communicate with each other in the form of questions and answers. You can ask Quora users any type of questions.

There are almost 400,000 topics being discussed there, so you should feel confident about finding an answer to whatever doubt you have.


5 Mind-blowing Quora Marketing Tips for Startups

Bizadmark Quora Marketing


Quora Marketing Tip 1: Use It to Show Your Expertise

This is a platform that can be used to show your audience your skills and expertise in your business area. This leads to the building of trust between you and your audience. Quora works on a credit-based upvoting system, so make sure that your answer is detailed and covers all the points. You have to aim to establish yourself as a leader in your area with your useful answers.


Quora Marketing Tip 2: Improve Your Brand Awareness

With more than 300 million monthly users, Quora has definitely offered us a place for improving our brand awareness. You can easily get in touch with people and help them understand more about your products/services by answering their queries.


Quora Marketing Tip 3: Gain Some Visibility on Search Engines

Unlike various other social media platforms, Quora is a very search engine-friendly platform. You must have seen it on the first page of Google for so many things you searched on your browser. That’s its beauty. The more active you become here, the more are the chances your answers will start showing up on the first page of Google which can boost your brand.


Quora Marketing Tip 4: Direct Audience to Your Website/Blog

You can answer others’ queries and also direct them to your website for more details. This acts as a great way of improving traffic to your website.


Quora Marketing Tip 5: Use it for Online Reputation Management

Once somebody told me that a happy client will talk about your brand to 4 people but an unhappy client will talk about your brand to 11 people. Those numbers may or may not be correct, but one thing is sure that the negative words will spread fast.

Thanks to Quora that you can try to curb this before it goes out of control. Whenever you find somebody having a problem with your brand, you can use Quora to address that person’s issues.


Key Takeaway: Quora Marketing Tips

Quora has some untapped potential that needs to be used. Many people have witnessed better conversion rates on Quora than on search engines.

If you are a B2B company, then Quora should definitely be a part of your marketing strategy.

What’s your experience of Quora as a marketing tool?


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