6 Phil Dunphy’s Marketing Quotes You Really Don’t Want To Miss!

Today, when I was watching Modern Family while sipping my organic hemp tea, I started thinking about various Phil Dunphy quotes and whether they can be applied to the field of marketing or not.

In today’s television and the digital streaming world, there exist many TV dads. Some are stronger like short-lived Ned Stark while others are soft and sweet like Dany Tanner. But throughout these dads coming and going, there’s one special dad who has a brilliant combination of sweetness, wittiness, and hilarity.

phil dunphy marketing quotes

And yes, that rad dad is Phil Dunphy.

For anyone who sees Modern Family (and I’m sure there are millions of you like me) always has loved the hilarious character this guy is. And loved what justice Ty Burrel does to the character. Wow, I’m doing their marketing for free right here right now!

The show has a huge ensemble cast, but I can bet most of ours’ favorite character is, in fact, Phil Dunphy. So I thought, why not take pages from his iconic book “Philsosophy” and modify it a little to cater to our marketing environment?

I know I know you must be thinking why you didn’t come up with this idea. Well, because I’m awesome?

As the last season of this iconic show nears its end, we present you with a few of the modified compilations of “Philsosophy”. While it’s going to be really hard to say goodbye to a show that touched so many lives and so many hearts, We can always marvel at the wisdom that Phil Dunphy always shared and modify it to suit our needs.

His “Philsosophy” will live on!

So, sit back and enjoy these digital marketing quotes by Phil Dunphy.



6 Phil Dunphy’s Marketing Quotes You Really Wouldn’t Want to Miss


Phil Dunphy’s  Marketing Quotes: No. 1

“If you love something, set it free. Unless it’s a Tiger.” – Phil Dunphy

marketing quote by phil dunphy


If you love something, set it free, unless it’s your SEO technique.

Marketing Version


Well simply put, Phil is the master realtor, and whatever he says is like the holy truth. So for us marketing people, it’s absolutely unimaginable to set SEO free.

Anyone who knows marketing knows the importance of a good SEO technique. It will not only help your brand’s visibility and reach, but will also help you shine out in the crowded and competitive world.

Moreover, working your way up the marketing ladder through organic reach and impressions is always preferred over any other way and it always works in your favor. So why not choose it right?

Still don’t get it?

Simply put, digital marketing without SEO is Phil Dunphy without his passion for magic tricks. Can you imagine Phil Dunphy without his love for magic? No, right? it doesn’t make sense at all. That’s exactly how important SEO is in a digital marketing arena.


Moreover, it’s the most important aspect of digital marketing as the majority of the traffic is driven through search engines. Organic traffic is the best kind of traffic. All you need to do is have your SEO keywords game on point and you will not only improve your reach and visibility, but you will also top the ranking.


Sounds like a win-win.

Hence we’ve to hold on to this Philsosophy and focus all our energy and resources on generating organic traffic.


Phil Dunphy’s  Marketing Quotes: No. 2

“You can tell a lot about a person from his Biography.” – Phil Dunphy

phil dunphy digital marketing


You can tell a lot about a business through its marketing plans!

Marketing Version

Phil may look dumb to Mr. Jay Pritchett but even he got to admit that Phil was indeed smart at times.

And no matter how hard Jay tried, he couldn’t help but adore and admire Phil and even respect him secretly.  I mean who wouldn’t know everything about a person from his/her biography?

Similarly, everything that’s the root and stem of a solid marketing strategy in a firm can be understood via its marketing plan. A marketing plan is a blueprint, the nervous system of the marketing of any brand.


What is a Marketing Plan and Why is it Important?

It is only after you create a marketing plan that you can move ahead with implementing the marketing and advertising strategy for your brand.

So what is a marketing plan anyway? It’s the first step to your journey towards creating and implementing a marketing strategy that stands out.

With a marketing plan, you pave the way to a marketing journey that would make you or mar you.

Not only this, you can know every small detail about a brand through its marketing plan and utilize these plans to the best of your advantage, Just like a person’s biography. Didn’t I say Phil is smart?

For businesses, it’s like an autobiographical depiction of everything that their brand represents. Fascinating stuff! Better thank Phil!



Phil Dunphy’s  Marketing Quotes: No. 3

“Dance until your feet hurt. Sing until your lungs hurt. Act until you’re William Hurt.” – Phil Dunphy

Snuggle like otters, do magic like Harry Potter, and have marketing knowledge like Philip Kotler.

Marketing Version

Just like William hurt, the supreme being of Hollywood, we have Philip Kotler, the supreme being of the marketing world. Ask any marketing person where he got his primary knowledge and love for marketing from, most will have the same answer, it all started with that book on marketing by Philip Kotler. But before understanding that. Some of you may be asking who is Philip Kotler, so before divulging Phil Dunphy’s marketing quotes, let me introduce him to you briefly.

Who is Philip Kotler?

My favorite Philip Kotler is fondly called the father of modern marketing. He published his book called Principles of Marketing which garnered him all the much deserving praise he could get.

He then published marketing management which was another masterpiece, to say the least. His marketing concepts are on point, relatable, and applicable practically.

It’s needless to say, We all have learned a lot from Mr. Kotler, haven’t we? Especially the mighty marketing executives, they got their primary knowledge from this little book written by Kotler. And even now after all these years, Kotler continues to influence the marketing world and the people involved in this world.

Everyone strives to have the knowledge and practicality about knicks and knacks of marketing like Mr. Kotler.

So Phil is right, after all, if you want to be a great actor, you might want to be like William hurt. A poetic reference if you will.

Similarly, if you want to master all that is marketing and more, make Philip Kotler your idol.

Strive to be him!

Knowledgeable and practical!

Phew! Who’s the man? Phil’s the man!


Phil Dunphy’s  Marketing Quotes: No. 4

“Never be afraid to reach for the stars because even if you fall, you’ll always be wearing a Parent-chute ™” – Phil Dunphy

phil dunphy marketing


Never be afraid to try grand out of the box marketing strategy, because even if you fail, you’ll at least be wearing a multi-dollar executive suit!™

Marketing Version


This is one of my favorite Phil Dunphy marketing quotes.

Phil is so amazing. He always has his kids’ backs and almost never loses his calm, and Phil being Phil, he has got the perfect metaphor for his parenting game which is on point by the way.

He is the “ParentChute” for his kids. and more frankly so, he is. All dads should take parenting lessons from Phil. No matter how soft and goofy he can seem out to be. He is equally sensitive, firm, and understanding as a father. Parenting game on point Phil!

Similarly, If your business has huge potential, it will always show up in monetary terms too. Big brands earn millions and millions of dollars and a big chunk of it goes to the marketing department. So you must never hesitate to go all out with your marketing ideas.

Moreover, if uncertainty knocks on your business’s door sometimes, you don’t have to worry. You’ll marketers will always have a contingency plan in place for you.

And even if they don’t, they will always come up with damage control whenever you need it.

So just like Phil, who has always got the back of everyone he loves. Your marketers have got your back.


In fact, in today’s highly competitive world, playing it safe isn’t going to get a brand anywhere. You are marketing people, it is your job description to go all out and bring the best marketing strategies and ideas for your clients. And even if the ideas fail sometimes and they will, its an experience, and it is worth taking the risk for.


Smart boy Phil!


Phil Dunphy’s  Marketing Quotes: No. 5

“If you are ever in a jam, a crayon scrunched upon under your nose makes a good pretend mustache.” – Original Philsosophy  by Phil Dunphy

marketing quote phil dunphy


If you’re ever in a web traffic jam, the jumping dinosaur game is a good time pass.

Marketing Version

Now this one is a fun one. We talked a lot of heavy-duty marketing stuff, getting into what a marketer should and shouldn’t do, but hey! Even we marketers need some fun. We’ve all been in a place where our internet gives upon us, and we have all played the jumping dinosaur game.

However, If you say you haven’t then I don’t believe you because you are so clearly being untrue.  Web traffic jams can be a real turnoff.

As a brand, you have to make sure you create a constant flow of traffic to your website, but at the same time, you have to make sure that the web traffic is not so much that it jeopardizes the functioning of your website.

The point is, web traffic if goes beyond control can jeopardize quick and easy access to the website and shut it off completely.

Moreover, owing to the web traffic jam, if your website response time starts lagging and becomes slow then your potential audiences will move on to someone else.

So before it crashes your website, you must find a way to lower the traffic. A simple halt can work wonders. So when in halt play the dinosaur game.



Phil Dunphy’s  Marketing Quotes: No. 6

“When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all “Whaaaat?” – Phil Dunphy


When your customers give you a bad review, give them a good review. Customers will be like whaaaaaa?

Marketing Version


As customary as it can get, maintaining good customer relations is like putting stars to your ceiling. It’s always going to shine on your brand at the end of the day.

Customer equity is everything, and while we rejoice at every good business review that we get, even one negative review can put us off. But that’s not how it should be.

You ask why? Because, negative reviews trouble every business, be it emotionally or financially or both. It is a part and parcel of every business.

Moreover, no matter how well you conduct your business, there will be one customer who has some problem with it. It’s a matter of sensitivity when customers give you a bad review because you cannot afford to be bitter about it even though you’re.

So when they give you a bad review, you channel your inner Gandhi and be as polite and positive to them as you can. (Sunday Scaries can help you get your calm attitude back irrespective of seeing a negative review on your product.)


Remember even negative publicity is publicity, and even though we want the negatives to be at a bare minimum, your reaction and the way you handle that negative review will say a lot about you. If you play your cards right, you can use that negative review to your advantage.


In addition to that, it would let them know that you take it all in stride and you have got what it takes.

So you don’t have to be disappointed when a negative customer review falls your way, it’s a part and parcel of the industry we are in and every industry will have to deal with it at some point of time, the question is are you as cool as Phil Dunphy to take it all in stride?

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And Now the Bonus Modified Phil Dunphy’s Marketing Quote


Brands are perfectionists, which sometimes is a good thing, like when it comes to picking a marketing agency like Bizadmark.


See what I did there? That’s a little self-deserving marketing. (I believe in the Philsosophy of “Love Yourself.”)

So that was it, folks. Some of the Phil Dunphy marketing quotes served you on a platter. If you also love Phil Dunphy Marketing Quotes and can relate to these or have some new ones to add, let us know.

This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on those won’t cost you anything but we might get a cup of coffee with that which can help us not fall asleep while writing our next article.


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