Microsoft And Google Help India In This Catastrophic Time

We are all aware of the catastrophe that is prevailing in India owing to the pandemic. India and its citizens are gasping for breath as cases surpass, and essential healthcare supply becomes scarce.  As a result, Big brands have come forward to lend support to the country. Brands like Microsoft and Google are set to help India.


How Are Microsoft And Google Helping India?

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Google CEO Sundar Pichai along with fellow Googlers are providing 135 crores of funding to India to gather resources.

Not only this, but Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also tweeted that Microsoft will be extending all the help to aid the grim situation in India.

India is deeply struggling as the second covid wave has hit the nation with great ferocity. More than 3 lakh cases have been getting registered every day. This has shaken the healthcare system and the country is struggling.

Therefore, at a time like this, lending a helping hand to the nation is the need of the hour. Brands are understanding this and are not shying aware of showing their support.


Lending A Helping Hand In The Time Of Crisis

In times of crisis, we all see and notice who steps up and who takes a backseat. People these days love the brands which show compassion and empathy in these times. As brands and as citizens of the world, it is our responsibility to help our fellow countries in their time of need.

Hence, the move by Google and Microsoft has been receiving a well-deserved applaud. We hope India recovers from this soon. If you also want to help India, You can do so here. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with more news just like this.


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