The Quickest Way to Market Plant-Based Products

The rapid growth of plant-based living cannot be ignored these days. Be it local stores or supermarkets, businesses are moving towards selling plant-based items because of the increase in demand for such products by people.

In this article, we will be discussing some quick and easy ways to market plant-based products. So, before that lets us understand what plant-based products are.


What are Plant-Based Products?

market plant based products

Plant-based products are those products that are derived from plants. These are classified into fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. Plant-based products do not contain any animal-source food or artificial ingredients.

Do you know what differentiates these products from animal-based products? I will tell you. It is their fiber fraction that is made of indigestible compounds which include cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, or resistant starch.

With time people have become aware of the benefits of using plant-based products. So, marketing here has become a bit competitive. There are numerous brands offerings the same products as you but to stand out you need to follow simple yet engaging marketing strategies. So, come let us discuss some ways to market your plant-based products.


6 Ways to Market Plant-Based Products


Here are a few ways to market your plant-based products effectively.


Understand Your Customers

Your customers are the key to the success of your brand. To market your plant-based products to them, it is important to understand them and their needs.

When you talk about plant-based products, the people involved here are more concerned about their holistic wellbeing and fitness.

So to market them, try to understand who they are and what they want. Is it about self-care or do they focus on weight loss and health or believe in animal welfare and sustainability.

Statistics by Plant Proteins show that 6% of U.S consumers prefer plant-based products.


Focus on Social Media Marketing

social media for products

Social media is popular among all age groups. Since the demand for plant-based products is increasing globally, social media is a great platform for brands to market their plant-based products.

For instance, take the example of McDonald’s. It offers a McVegan burger for its vegan customers.

The ingredients contained in it are a soy patty, bun, tomatoes, lettuce, pickle, onion, ketchup, mustard, oil, and the egg-less sandwich sauce.

This brand used the power of social media to advertise and market its product to its fans who love eating plant-based products.

Interesting right? I really appreciate this step.

So, you can also utilize the power of social media to promote your plant-based products in a creative way.


Add Creativity to Your Product Marketing

Creativity is the key to gaining customer attention. Remember, products with unique looks, usage, and benefits always attract your customers. Creative marketing helps your brand to create a robust following along with marketing your products.

Your customers never fail to see your efforts. Moreover, your customers get impressed by the work you do for them so it should have some creativity in it. Creativity tends to have a long-lasting and favorable impact on your customers.

I will explain creativity with a good example. For instance, you can use creative words like ‘melt-in-your-mouth, ‘creamy creamy’ etc to get customers’ attention. It helps you explain your product very well. It tells that your plant product is tasty, enjoyable, and worth their penny.


Focus on Flavors

Wow product ad

If you want to market your plant-based products, try focusing on flavors to get greater customer attention. When you spotlight how a dish will taste, it automatically increases a product’s popularity and appeals to its customers.

You can take the example of Allplants, a plant-based delivery service that used this method to drive growth.

A study by Stanford supports the idea that when you highlight the flavor of any product, it increases the sales of plant-rich dishes. For example, labeling dishes with names like buttery sweet corn, Crispy honey potatoes, etc. attracts more and more customers.


Storytelling Can Work Wonders

While you try to get the attention of your customers, do not forget to add the ingredient of storytelling in your marketing. Storytelling conveys the purpose of your business and helps you in winning customer loyalty. Market your plant products in such a way that solves the problem of your target customers.

Moreover, storytelling while marketing helps your brand to share messages in a way that helps you engage with your customers. It allows them to take desired actions thus influencing their purchase behavior. This way your sales boost up.

For instance, if you are selling plant-based food products then you can emphasize the look and feel of your products. Explain the appearance and mouthfeel of your food product. It can work wonders in the marketing of your plant-based product.

Tell your customers how your product feels in the mouth when they eat it. Use terms like crunchy, smooth, creamy, etc.


Organize Online Events to Get Popularity

product marketing

Organizing online events make it easier for you to reach your target audiences. You can organize webinars to educate and encourage others to learn more about plant-based living. This will help you to market your plant-based items more effectively.

For instance, if you are a health professional and own a brand that sells plant-based products then you can organize events and create videos highlighting your products and their benefits. You can also collaborate with well-known personalities in the field of plant-based nutrition.


Key Takeaway: Marketing Plant-Based Products

In present times, people are mostly opting for plant-based products because of the rising concerns related to health. They prefer eating and using products that are derived from plants.

Also, there are numerous brands marketing very well to sell their products. So make sure your marketing makes them choose you over others. Think creatively and hit their minds. If you want any help in marketing your plant-based product, you can contact us anytime.


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