This is How to Make Your Ad Go Viral

If you ask marketing experts what is the secret of making a viral ad, you will get so many different kinds of answers. Some will say it lies in understanding the needs of your audience. Others will say that you need to increase your reach by increasing your ad budget or partnering up with influencers. But I will say the secret sauce is something totally different.

There is something more than just doubling up your ad budget, experimenting with different kinds of social media channels in the hope of getting viral or multiplying your ad reach with relevant partnerships with your industry influencers that leads to virality. To figure that out, try answering the following question:

How would you describe a viral video?

online video ads 2

A video that has content resonating with most people.


Next, what is that content that resonates with people the most?

A content that is useful? 

I highly doubt that. There are so many useful and insightful videos on YouTube that will leave you amazed with their content and yet they are not popular.  I recently learnt the secret of making the fluffiest vegan pancake, a tip that many other food bloggers have missed – a truly useful video but I still didn’t share it, nor did many other food enthusiasts like me.

A content with emotional storytelling? 

Not exactly. We see many funny, kinda meaningless things doing the rounds. I don’t think they have sparked that kinda emotions in us. Take for example the “Friday” song by Rebecca Black. Do you think that video has any kind of emotional storytelling?


So, what is it that makes a video viral? Let’s first analyze a few viral videos and ads:

Charlie bit my finger – Funny

Tillman skateboarding bulldog – Funny

Ain’t nobody got time for that – Funny

Charlie Schmidt’s Keyboard Cat – Funny

Old Spice – The man your man could smell like – Funny

If you’re thinking humor is the key here, let’s talk about Dove’s Real Beauty ad campaign or Always Like a Girl ad campaign. They’re not funny and yet they managed to go viral.

The answer we all are looking for here is the content that is entertaining. Now, this entertainment can be funny or emotional. Todd Perelmuter said that people don’t ignore ads, they ignore what bores them. So, If they are ignoring your ad, it means your ad is not entertaining enough.


Another point that the ad genius, Todd Perelmuter makes is that that your ad is not competing with just other ads, it’s competing with the most entertaining video they have watched that day. If that video happens to be a cat or a dog video, you want your ad to be able to compete with that.

He adds further that if your ad is going to interrupt people’s favorite show, your ad better be at least as good as their shows.

Next time when you create your ad, make sure to tell your ad agency to multiply the dose of entertainment as that is the only way to get viral or to get the attention of TikTok Reels loving audience.


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