Unveiling the Secrets of Google’s Twitter Marketing Strategies

In this blog, we are going to decode Google’s Twitter marketing strategies for you.

google's twitter strategies


You must have searched Twitter marketing, Twitter marketing strategies, or social media marketing at least once on Google. Have you ever wondered what strategy Google is following for its Twitter marketing?

Generally speaking, Google can’t just post random things on Twitter. After all, it’s the second-largest brand.

A big and expert team of marketers must be working on Google’s Twitter Marketing Strategies. That team must be making sure that every tweet by Google is in alignment with its business goals. 

With this in mind, we can say that everything happening on Google’s Twitter platform has a reason. They have a well-thought-out strategic Twitter marketing plan. 



Unveiling the Secrets of Google’s Twitter Marketing Strategies

We are going to now figure out what exactly Google is doing on its Twitter? What kind of businesses can implement those strategies and how?


Strategy 1) Ditch the Bio

google twitter strategy

Everyone needs a bio unless and until you are Apple, Google, or some other huge brand. If you are not one of those, then there is no point in doing this step.

Google doesn’t need a bio because everyone knows what Google is. They don’t have to add their introduction anywhere. In fact, they are just using their #HeyGoogle hashtag. 

They are in the category of those brands that need no introduction.

As has been noted for the bigger brands, ‘less is more’ is the most effective strategy for describing their Twitter profiles. Share on X


Strategy 2) Add Storytelling Wherever You Can

I am sure that you must have seen at least one ad of Google. If you have, you will know how memorable and impactful those ads are.

Notably because of how they use storytelling to communicate the messages to their customers.  You can see storytelling in most of their Twitter videos.

Just because a video is going to be posted on a social media platform like Twitter and won’t be broadcasted on TV during Superbowl doesn’t make it less important to Google. 

The most important Twitter marketing lesson to take from here is that every interaction with your customer matters.

As a result, you should be ready to provide the best customer experience all the time and on all the platforms.

Don’t take your Twitter marketing lightly. Develop a strategy and implement that. Equally important, creative storytelling should always be a part of your advertising strategies.

You can check out https://www.bizadmark.com/blog/advertising/ to see how creativity and storytelling have been added to our social video campaigns.

Check out one of their videos from Google’s Twitter.



Strategy 3) Focus on Customer Engagement 

Social media is not just about talking about yourself. It’s also about listening and responding to others when there is a need.

In reality, this is a healthy way of having a conversation. 

Google has really understood this part well.

As can be seen on their Twitter. They are interacting with their customers.

They are having a conversation with them. They are not shying away from retweeting their customers’ tweets. 

This is something that can be adopted by every company.

Google interaction with people


Strategy 4) Don’t Ignore Customer Experience

What’s Google using Twitter for? They are using Twitter to improve the experience of their users.

They are providing all the meaningful information to their users there from what people are searching for currently to how Google searches can be used to solve their problems?

They are not focusing on their product, they are focusing on the benefits that those products will provide to their customers. 

If you haven’t yet started benefit-driven marketing, Google’s Twitter marketing strategy should be able to convince you of that.

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Strategy 5) Keep Unrelated Products Separate

Google Twitter marketing strategies


Word of caution: This part is not for small business owners. This is a thing that only a brand can easily do because of its strong brand image.

In the case of other businesses, it will just lead to extra work, extra time, extra efforts, and extra budget.

Google Twitter marketing strategies


Google has many Twitter pages so it can segment the users and provide them more useful experience.

These include Google Earth, Google For Startups, Google Small Business, Google Arts & Culture, Google Play, Google Maps, Google Developers, Made By Google, Google AI, Think With Google, Google Doodles, Google Webmasters, Google Analytics, Google Drive, Google For Education and many more.

Google Twitter marketing strategies

Key Takeaway: Google’s Twitter Marketing Strategies

A strategy is always unique to a company and is generally tough to replicate for others.

Even if you are able to do it, it might not produce the same results because every business has different goals.

All things considered, you can always take inspiration from others and see if any part of their strategy can fit your current strategy. 

If you still don’t have a Twitter marketing strategy, you can reach out to us.


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