How to Get Google Knowledge Graph? 7 Easy Strategies

Did you know that Google processes about 40000 search engine results per second? Not only this, Google is home to trillions of facts 15-16% of which are related to something that hasn’t been asked yet. These statistics are enough to tell you the importance of having Google knowledge graph strategies for your business.

In 2016, Google had stated that it was holding about 70 million facts at the time. It’s no surprise that Google’s knowledge graph has expanded intensely since then.

Therefore it is important for your brand to use this amazing treasure of information for your brand’s advantage.

However, many aren’t even aware of the Google knowledge graph let alone making good use of it.

This is why I am here. In this article, we are going to discuss the Google knowledge graph and how it can help your business.

Before we jump to the answer, let us first understand what is Google Knowledge Graph and why is it so important for any business.



What is Google Knowledge Graph?

It is a database by Google about facts, people, places, and various other things and how all these are interconnected.

This graph is usually used by Google to enhance the search engine results. It helps in delivering information that people are searching for.

In other words, it’s a warehouse of knowledge about what people are searching on Google and what is their intention behind that. According to that, Google provides users with the most useful information to help them.

Google Knowledge Graph is generally the block on the right-hand side of Google when you search for something on your desktop and on the top on your mobile screen. Let’s say you are searching for Macy, this is how it will look like –


Google Knowledge Graph by Bizadmark

Therefore, Google Knowledge Graph is an important element of search experience in Google. It gears up innovative ways to show data in the search engine.



How Does Google Knowledge Graph Work

The Google knowledge graph is a vast ground that has crawling, indexing, and organizing capabilities. This allows Google’s millions of entities to come up with information when a particular user searches for a term.

The Google knowledge graph does not only mean giving quick and accurate results to its users but it offers a great opportunity to the website owner to rank their sites with quality content.

It makes them appear in searches done by users. So, this can work wonders for you as well. The important thing you need to focus on is optimization.



Why is Google Knowledge Graph Important?

google knowledge graph

1. Gives Meaning to Your Business

Google has changed its algorithm with the purpose of not just understanding a word but also its meaning.

Concept, as well as context, is becoming important for Google.

Google wants to understand that when you are searching for apple, do you mean the fruit or the Apple technology brand?

When you type any question concerning Apple, Google is not going to say that you are not clear in your search or will you give us more details before we show you the results. Google just understands what you are looking for and shows results accordingly.

Always correct Results!!!

Google does it with the help of LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing where Google replaces the word with its synonyms which help Google in being correct most of the time. This is what Google is working – deriving knowledge from the vast sea of information it has.

That’s the beauty of this knowledge base. It helps Google understands the words better. And you have to help Google in getting more knowledge about your business.


2. Brings You Closer to Your Audience

As more information you can provide to Google, the more productive it will be for your business.

Your main focus is to get your information on search engines especially when you run a business. So, this knowledge graph by google will surely help you in getting knowledge about things that people might search for.

Moreover, It also helps you know the intention behind their searches. It not only understands each entity but also tracks how different entities are connected.

So, based on your customer’s search query and information gathered on the Google knowledge graph, Google comes up with relevant facts and information to ease up your customer’s search and solve their queries.

Now, you must be wondering about SEO somewhere in your mind as you read this. Let’s see how Google Knowledge Graph and SEO are related.

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How are Google Knowledge Graph and SEO Related?

Google Knowledge Graph is a positive aspect for both the users and the SEO. I will explain to you how.

When it comes to meeting user requirements, it gives the most relevant search results and for SEOs, it helps in getting more traffic to relevant content. 


Understands Google Algorithms

Moreover, it helps Google in understanding the search intent. Google knowledge graph allows Google algorithm to go beyond keyword matching and can get the most appropriate results.

It understands what people might be searching for, thus improving the search engine results.

Another important impact Google knowledge graph can have on SEO is solving queries of your users. Google will also check its already existing knowledge that is available on its graph. So if you get on the graph, your worries will diminish.


More Visibility

Google knowledge graphs also make your brand more visible and gain authority. You can get the knowledge graph data in SERP from google that includes Knowledge panels and Knowledge cards. 

This means that if you got your brand on a knowledge graph you can get a huge benefit from SERP visibility. You also open the gates to higher brand authority and trust among your searchers.

Hubspot study shows that 80% of the traffic on websites starts with online search queries. So make sure you do not miss out on this aspect to rank yourself.



How to Get on Google Knowledge Graph?

google knowledge graph

If you want to get onto the Google Knowledge Graph, then you need to connect with obviously Google and Wikipedia.

This is because most of the information on Google’s knowledge graph comes from Google and Wikipedia. Therefore, if you connect with them, it is the most appropriate option to reach heights.

You also need to stay active and consistent in your activities. Show Google that you are a reputed page. This can be done by making your page and its content up-to-date. This way, Google will ensure you are in its Knowledge Graph. 

Moreover, stay active on your social media handles and keep up with your competitors. For example, LinkedIn is the most suitable and open-source platform for the Google Knowledge Graph.

Also, create great content because the content is the king. Remember, Google’s utmost priority is giving its users the best experience. So focus on creating content that gets recognized by Google knowledge graph.

Use all SEO techniques that you can and that will help you stand out and rank in google search results and also broaden your chance to enter into the Google knowledge graph.

This was just an overview of what can be done by you to get on to google Knowledge graph.

Below explained are 7 easy steps for getting a Google knowledge graph for your business. You can understand the above-mentioned points clearly in the points below. Have a look at it.



7 Easy Strategies for Getting Google Knowledge Graph for Your Business

google graph

Strategy 0) Try to Get a Page on Wikipedia (Not Easy, but keep trying)

We all know that Wikipedia is the most authoritative and reliable source of availing information. Believe it or not, most of the results of Google Knowledge Graph come straight from Wikipedia pages.

Moreover, studies show that Wikipedia is considered to be the most accurate source of information with an accuracy of up to 99.5%. 

Furthermore, If you search a few brands on Google, you will see that most of the data of Google Knowledge are coming from a highly authoritative website like Wikipedia.

This shows the importance of being on it. So, as discussed earlier, connecting with Wikipedia will help you in getting into the Google Knowledge Graph. 

Besides Wikipedia, you can also try to get a profile even on Wikidata. I know it may pose a lot of difficulties. However, keep trying, or if you want you can get help as well. 


Strategy 1) Do Schema Markup

Implementing schema markup makes the job of search engines easy to read pages on your website.

It might sound a bit tricky at the start but trust me if you implement it correctly you are going to experience outstanding results.

Moreover, it helps Google to properly organize the information on your website. Therefore, you need to do all the hard work to convince Google to let your position be higher than your competitors.

So, if you haven’t used it yet, you shouldn’t delay it any further. Though the name and description of Schema markup are scary, it’s not as scary as it seems.

Just keep in mind that Google has made it pretty easy for business owners to mark up their websites. So start and go ahead.

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Strategy 2) Make Content Your Priority

Good content will help you in getting more traffic. More traffic will tell Google that users are able to find what they are looking for on your website which will help Google in rightly updating your information in their knowledge base.

So, create content that is valuable and engaging. When you produce high-quality content, it turns into a strong optimization strategy for your brand.

This is not only for Google knowledge graph but also for your users and other targeted audiences.

One study by Hubspot said that 80% of web traffic starts via search queries.

Remember, Google loves quality and high-value content that matches the intent of its users.

Create content in alignment with your audience. This will help your brand in getting greater attention from Google.

So, make sure that you are providing the most relevant, accurate, and useful information to your audience.


Strategy 3) Don’t Underestimate the Power of Social Media

If you are missing on the Google knowledge graph, one major reason for this could be your absence on social media platforms. 

You must have searched a few brands on Google to get some idea about what all the fuss is about.

If you have, you would have noticed that Google always shows various social profiles at the bottom of the Knowledge Graph which proves that social media presence is an important part of your business.

So, you need to create an active presence on all social media platforms to grow your brand. Social media presence also serves as evidence that your brand is an online entity.

If you have noticed, the Google knowledge graph has a distinct section that shows the social status of a brand.

So, you need to make your online presence. This also helps you increase your reach by being accessible on all platforms and expanding your online exposure.

Therefore, if you were ignoring social media so far, this is the time to go make your profile there to increase your brand’s visibility.


Strategy 4) Optimize Your Google Knowledge Graph

You know that knowledge graphs are the most attractive, useful, and eye-catching part of the search results. 

This is the step where you help Google to understand your business a little better. How you can do that?

The answer is by making sure that your title, description, meta description, keywords, and content are in synch and are talking about the same topic.

This makes it easier for Google to understand you as a brand and what you are offering to your customers.

Moreover, when you do this, it increases your visibility as well as authority. This also encourages your users to find what they are searching for without even clicking on the content or link.

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Strategy 5) Collect Customers Reviews

Reviews by customers are also an important aspect of a user’s search for any company.

So, you need to collect more and more reviews and that should be on google reviews.

This helps Google to display a full view of your brand to your potential users. How does it get better than this?

Just by gathering reviews of your customers, your brand can increase reachability, thus making you a part of the Google knowledge graph. 


Strategy 6) Build Your Authority

Google Knowledge Graph is most likely to show sites that have high authority. For building your site authority you can create a backlink building strategy, write guest posts on varied authoritative sites.

You can always stay active on social media platforms as discussed earlier.

Moreover, keep relevant and valuable information on your pages and attach quality links to them.

This is another way to build authority. This way, your brand will top the Google knowledge graph list by which information is disseminated on search engines.



Key Takeaway: How to Get Google Knowledge Graph?

Google Knowledge Graph is a great way of increasing your brand awareness, your visibility, and brand authority.

We have shared 7 already tested strategies with you in this article.

We would love to hear your story now about how you used Google Knowledge Graph for your business or what kind of problems are you facing in implementing any of these strategies. Get in touch if you want me to help you with your knowledge graph.


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