The Easiest Way to Do Behavioral Targeting

The world of digital marketing is very noisy and occupied these days and relevance is the key to reaching your target set of audiences. I am sure you all will agree with this point.

Marketing online is no longer a simple activity where you can reach out to your customers solely based on demographics or interests. Effective digital marketing also uses customer data to understand how customers interact with the business. This further helps businesses to target their customers most appropriately.

So, before unlocking easy and effective ways to do behavioral targeting, let us try to understand what behavioral targeting actually means.


What is Behavioral Targeting?

Behavioural targeting

Behavioral targeting is a marketing technique that differentiates or segments audiences based on behaviors and not just based on demographic parameters. Behavioral targeting helps you to create a specific user profile that is truly based on the behavioral data of your customers.

Businesses these days use this method to achieve greater customer engagement. Also, behavioral targeting is data-driven. It is often collected through customers browsing data, the company’s website analytical tools, cookies, etc. Some of the common metrics collected for behavioral targeting include geographical location, visit data, type of device used, browsing history, purchase history, and many more.

All these helps businesses to increase engagement and get greater conversions during a behavioral targeting campaign. You can also do all these to get greater engagement.


Why Does Behavioral Targeting Matter?

At present times when all businesses are going online and digital marketing and advertising are on a rise, behavioral targeting helps businesses design targeted marketing strategies for their customers.

You may want your site visitors to download your app, read your articles, purchase a product and avail your services. So, behavioral targeting helps you to come up with personalized content for your visitors thus compelling them to take advantage of your products and services. Moreover, it has a higher success rate as compared to generic suggestions.

The right message at the right time to the right people increases the chances of your popularity. Besides these, it creates an engaging and interesting experience for your customers.


5 Easy Ways to Do Behavioral Targeting

Let us unlock a few easy yet effective ways which can help you do behavioral targeting.

Behavioral Email Marketing Campaigns Work Best

Behavioural targeting

Email marketing has great potential that can give you greater conversions when it comes to selling your products and services. It has greater conversion rates as compared to social media.

So, as a business, you can easily strengthen your email marketing campaigns by behavioral targeting tactics. In behavioral email marketing, you can send targeted emails to users based on their past actions on a website.

For instance, take the example of Quora. It always wants people to turn to their website as much as possible. By knowing the pages its customers have read earlier, quora send personalized emails highlighting similar topics thus triggering the interest of people to visit the site again. This is nothing but behavioral targeting.


Use Facebook, Google, and Other Retargeting Services

If you want to target your potential customers online, retargeting and remarketing are the most awesome tactics. It easily helps you to target people who previously visited your website.

You can show them personalized ads on varied social media platforms, other websites, gaming sites, online publications, etc.

Retargeting customer

Most popularly Facebook and Goggle are common options to reach your potential customers. Also, they provide accurate data on the generated sales.

Once your business gathers enough behavioral data, you can proceed and create user segments based on the behavioral traits of people. This further helps you in showing highly relevant ads to your potential customers.


Go For Upselling and Cross-Selling

When you know what your customers love and how they interact with your business, it helps you in suggesting additional products that might suit their interests.

For instance, Spotify knows this trick very well. They track the music that their people listen and it crafts personalized ads based on their preferences. Through this, it aims to sell concert tickets and send people to its app.

So, behavioral marketing is very powerful. If your business is engaged in e-commerce activities, then I am sure you will be familiar with cross-selling and upselling. It incorporates behavioral marketing.


Go With Geographic Targeting

Another easy way to do behavioral targeting is by knowing the precise geolocation of your online visitors. Knowing the geolocation makes a huge difference in your campaign’s success. Moreover, a study by Verve found out that geo-targeted ads yield 50% higher conversion as compared to non-targeted ads.


For instance, if you own a clothing business that sells year-round fashion, then through geographic targeting you can create segments and market your clothes that are relevant to your customers based on their recent browsing location.


Through geographic targeting, your business can create specific, tailored audiences based on behavior and demographics which makes your marketing campaign successful.


Offer Personalized Coupons and Discounts

Behavioural targeting


Personalized coupons, offers, and discounts help you to craft customized experiences for your customers. These are solely based on your customer’s past actions, wants, and needs which affect their purchasing behavior.

Website personalization can help you do this easily. It is not just a trend, it is going to stay here for a long time. Moreover, studies suggest that most of the customers are likely to buy from you if you give them some kind of personalization during the buying process.

For instance, Amazon offers a website personalised experience to its customers. It displays different content based on its visitor’s personal preferences. So, it’s a great way of behavioral targeting.


Key Takeaway: Behavioral Targeting

We are sure that the above given easy tips will help you to do your behavioral targeting effectively. It isn’t tough but if you fail to understand your customer’s behavior then it might be a problem for you.

So, just understand your target audience’s behavior and you are good to go.

17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail by the author Pooja Agnihotri brings the cautionary tales of mistakes made by many businesses that ultimately led to their failure and which other businesses should avoid at all costs if they plan to survive and grow.


Time to step out of the herd and be the only one of your kind. Work with us!


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