The Advanced Holiday Digital Advertising Guide For Ecommerce Businesses

Want to go with digital advertising this holiday season? Wondering how to advertise your products this holiday season? Don’t worry, we bring you some insights that will help you this time around. So sit back, relax, and read on. 


digital advertising holiday season

There is a slight chillness in the wind and the nights are longer. Do you see what’s happening? I am sure you do. It’s the holiday season. 

The holiday season brings a plethora of new advertising opportunities for you as a brand. This is because customers are more willing to give you a chance this time around than ever.

However, this holiday season will be a bit different from what we have experienced before. You guessed it right, because of the pandemic. 

This pandemic has disrupted many facets of our lives. The world is slowly finding its feet back since the pandemic hit the world. However, it’s no news that what worked before will not work anymore.

So, digital advertising your brand this holiday season is the way to go. How? That’s what we will be discussing in this article. So let’s begin. 



How is Your Ecommerce Business Preparing For Holiday Season?

holiday advertising

With several holiday shoppers avoiding physical stores to some extent, advertisers can look to meet customer needs by concentrating their digital advertising strategies. 

So, with digital advertising this holiday season, you can win your customer’s heart. What you should focus on?

Give your customers a big picture of their future through your digital advertisements expertise.

While having a look at new products and promotions, 89 percent of consumers indicated that they find digital advertising relevant, while 31 percent said they believe that during the holiday season they are more receptive to non-digital advertisements.

Moreover, according to the data, 85% of US shoppers this year will be doing all their holiday shopping online. Amongst this 85% of people, 48% of them will do such online shopping on their mobile devices. 

If not, now is the time to build your strategy and start looking for ideas for holiday advertising.  You can drive more sales and revenue this season with your team’s proactive advertising strategy for the holidays.

With far more than 25 million businesses on Instagram, 60 million active business pages on Facebook, and around 1.3 million eCommerce businesses in North America, competition is intense in the digital advertising world. Share on X



Why Do You Need Holiday Digital Advertising?

holiday advertising 1

Holiday advertising can reap benefits for your company, regardless of your product, industry, or target market. For different purposes, holiday ads have the power to drive sales.

There is higher than average demand and an intent to buy. More shoppers are actively looking to buy in the holiday season, making your work as an advertiser a lot easier.

Now as people are preferring shopping more through online modes, it is imperative that you need to advertise your brand on these digital platforms.

And thus, this holiday season, your digital advertising strategies should be such that you shine over and above your competitors in the crowded market.

You need to strategize your ads in a way that attracts the customers or just makes them certain that they have to get the product or service from your brand. You have to create an overall digital experience for your customers, one that they can’t miss. 

With holidays, you get a chance to attract a huge pool audience in a short time. They mostly rely on online reviews, offers, and attractive campaigns you will hold. So in holidays, you have to be out there and give it all you got.   

Moreover, Holidays produce a feeling of positivity. It’s an effective sales strategy to draw on these festive feelings among your clients through emotion-driven holiday advertising campaigns.

However, it’s easy to forget that this is not the only advantage holiday advertising can offer with the emphasis on seasonal sales. Holidays also give the company other substantial opportunities, including:


1. Obtaining New Clients

Holiday digital advertising campaigns can increase brand recognition and draw individuals who may be less involved outside of the holiday season to your company, as well as simply acquiring sales.

Related: 11 Practical Ways to Convince Your Customers to Buy More (+ Examples)


2. Developing customer relationships

The peak time for relationship strategy is the end-of-year season. You can, for instance, call out to your loyal customers and thank them over the past year for supporting your company, maybe rewarding them with a surprise gift or exclusive discounts.

Related: Relationship Marketing Strategy Guide: The Only Guide You Need


3. Empowering your brand

 You can make your ads feel more personal by sharing some festive cheer with consumers, which builds the faith which is necessary for obtaining passionate supporters.

For instance, in 2016, the pet newsletter brand Barkpost came up with a yappy thanksgiving campaign that asked the customers to include their furry friends in the thanksgiving gala. Quite a fun one isn’t it? After all, they are family too right?

bark post yappy thanksgiving

Now since all of it is done in a digital space now more than ever. You need digital advertising to reach out to that huge chunk of customers that are doing their holiday shopping online.

So which digital advertising techniques to focus on this holiday season? What works? We find all about it now. 

Go Organic And GMO Free!Effective Grass-fed Marketing & Advertising Techniques



4 Expert Holiday Digital Advertising Tips For Ecommerce Businesses

The internet community is noisier and more competitive than ever before. Instead, customers are getting burnt out. If your digital presence doesn’t attract them in the first 5 seconds. They will move on forever.

This is why you need to think out of the box. With the holiday season, the attention span of audiences is even lower because they want to shop a lot in a little time and want the one that attracts them the most.

So you have to execute your digital advertising in such a way, that the audience remembers you, is attracted by your offering, and finally selects you as their go-to brand.  Here are a few creative holiday advertising strategies you can try.


1. Turn Your Digital Space Into Web rooms

You have seen how people window shop in showrooms? And when something catches their eye, they go inside that showroom and explore more.

Now I suggest you do a digital version of this showroom, the web room. Here you will showcase your product and services in a virtual showroom. If you make it real-time interactive, even better.


2. Use Special Video Advertisements 

In promotions these days, video content is a huge deal making it a perfect partner for your digital holiday advertising. In reality, 51% of business professionals claim that a better response is generated by video content than any other form of content.  

Devising a nice, catchy, and intriguing video advertisement that hits right in the emotions of the people will bring you into their attentive eyes. An emotional quotient combined with the spirit of the holiday is sure to move your audience and have them choose you over anyone else.

For instance, in 2019, FedEx delivered a very thoughtful different video advertisement that moved the emotions of a lot of people. It delivered gifts that were exact matches of what the kid in the advertisement imagined.

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fedex delivering imagination


3. Add Instagram Stories 

If you haven’t used Instagram story ads yet, you are holding off from the social world. Nearly 1.7 billion accounts use the stories format every day like brands, artists, and political figures.

The format is time-sensitive, ensuring that the posts expire after 24 hours, allowing brands to be even more relaxed than other outlets for social media. Stories also seem to get more interaction than most other formats by two to three times.


4. Endorse Personalized Gift Guides 

U.S. customers spend an average of $1,000 on each holiday present every Christmas season. For most firms, their most lucrative time of the year is the winter holiday season.

Being profitable is part of the reason why we call Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving. Gift guides are a common way during this high-spending season to pull in internet traffic.

Consider what differentiates your target group, and build a gift guide especially for non-traditional beneficiaries. For instance, a gift guide for individuals who have everything, a gift guide for expertise, or gifts for sustainable or ethical shopping.

Similarly, you can create a big guide to all the best offers for Black Friday and add a few of your offers. Promote these pieces of content with social media ads, instead. By category, target your prospective customers on Facebook and Instagram.




What Are The Important Days For Digital Holiday Advertising?

Mark your calendars today itself as the holiday season is already here. Get ready to bring some excitement and fun for the rest of the year. This is the least that everyone deserves amidst this pandemic.

You will first have to decide which activities you want to concentrate on before preparing your campaign. Some of them are obvious, like Black Friday and Christmas, but you don’t need to stop there.

Depending on your business, there are other holiday days you might not have considered that could be important. Here are some main dates:


This is a good opportunity, ahead of your main case, to encourage early-bird deals through creative ads.

Black Friday

digital advertising holiday season

Black Friday is the focal point for many companies, and it’s the day that they expect the biggest and best offers for customers.

Small Business Saturday 

This is a modern vacation devoted to helping small local businesses. This provides the ability not only to raise revenue through promotions, but also to draw new customers and, potentially, potential loyal followers.

Cyber Monday

digital advertising holiday season

There is no holiday to miss for e-commerce firms. According to a survey by Adobe, this day saw record online sales in the USA in 2019, beating Black Friday.


Christmas Day, the 25th of December

Your next focus would be to capitalize on your Christmas ad campaigns and offers.

New Year’s Eve, the 31st of December

This is an opportunity to share the celebrations with your viewers and celebrate the end of the year with fun and memories to remember. Showing gratitude will help you grow.

Plan ahead, begin heavy, and give digital advertising and branding a thoughtful touch this year. So are you ready for the task?

We hope this article helped you to begin with your holiday advertisements. If you have any queries, contact us. 


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