Digital Advertising For Jewelry Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide

Jewelry, every woman loves it. Every woman wants to wear it and flaunt their beauty. In today’s world where fashion has become a lifestyle, jewelry brands have their own standing. This is why digital advertising for jewelry brands has become important. 

With the changing environment and shopping preferences of the customers, jewelry brands are changing the way they have been operating and going digital too.

Big girls need big diamonds. – Elizabeth Taylor

The environment is changing and the customers are now developing more interest in fashion and lifestyle. Consumers are moving majorly to the online world to shop. Therefore, your brand and your products should be present at the online stage to appeal to the eyes of the customer.

In this article, we will tell you all about digital advertising to woo your customers and boost your jewelry brand’s relationship with them.  You can use digital advertising as a platform to convey information about your products, shape your brand identity, and develop deeper customer relationships. 

Hence, digital advertising for your jewelry brand is the key to brand success and providing an overall brand experience for your customers. It will help your jewelry brand shine as bright as the diamonds on the ring that you have on display.

So are you ready? Let’s begin.



What is the Stand of the Jewelry Industry in the US?

jewelry advertising

More and more people seem to be sliding towards luxurious brands and fine jewelry. 

The introduction of new designs and emerging fashion trends and social media are all helping in attracting customers to purchase jewelry products. A recent report by Statista showed that in 2020, sales in the jewelry segment hit around US$ 55,442 million. 

Moreover, the market is emerging to be moving widely towards the digital sector, especially after the crisis. As per a report by Business Wire, the global demand for online jewelry reached US$21.5 trillion in 2020. It is expected to hit a revised size of US$58.9 trillion by 2027 in the sense of the covid crisis, with a CAGR of 15.5 percent over the period 2020-2027.

Moreover, the growing expenditure of wedding industries is heavily contributing to the market of the jewelry industry. Earlier, it was just the women who wore jewelry but the times have changed and now both men and women both wear rings, plain gold chains, and other pieces of jewelry. 

There are a lot of brands that are bringing innovative methods in their advertising and are making a statement in the world of their jewelry designs. 

Importance of Digital Advertising for Jewelry Brands

jewelry advertising

Everyone is online today and your jewelry brand needs to be in the online world too. Digital advertising strategies help you take your business directly to where your audience is. 

Let us look at a few reasons why digital advertising is important for jewelry brands.


6 Benefits of Digital Advertising For Jewelry Brands


1. Better Reach to Your Target Audience

Your target audiences are the specific customers that you want to reach. Through digital advertising, your brand can meet your customer’s needs easily.

You can categorize your target audience through age, gender, interests, brides, bridesmaids, groom, etc so that it is easy for you to target them with your ads. For example, suppose you are launching a specific piece of jewelry that caters to the brides.

In these types of jewelry ads, your main focus should be on the brides and should involve content that makes all the brides aware of your brand when they want to purchase their jewelry.  

The more you research, the more you would be able to target your ideal audience and create ads that can attract them easily. 


2. Access to Global Audience  

Digital advertising helps you to connect to customers all around the world. Your ads would be seen by a wide range of customers online and will benefit you to expand your customer base. It makes you understand new markets and allows you to generate more sales.  

For instance, if you want to advertise your new diamond-cut designs finest jewelry, and you advertise it on all online platforms and attract your customers This will not only help you to attract local customers but it will also attract customers from abroad thus increasing your brand awareness and sales. 

The more your ads are seen by people, the more word of mouth begins. It is going to give you a lot of new customers and followers who love your work and your jewelry thus popularizing your brand. Share on X

digital advertising for jewelry

3. Flexible Medium 

The advantage of using a digital platform to deliver your ads is that it allows you to make changes to your ads and use them on different platforms at the same time.

This is not possible with traditional advertising. The digital medium is flexible and allows you to use the same ads on all platforms.

For instance, if you have started with a campaign that shows wedding jewelry and you feel you need to make changes or use the ad for later, you can immediately make changes or schedule the ad later.

This way you can reach your potential customers easily and improvise your ads as well.


4. Ability to Add a Slice of Creativity

Customers love creative brands. When it comes to digital advertising your jewelry, you have a plethora of creative ideas that you can experiment with.

It is the best way to attract customers through creative advertising. Use a lot of great images especially those which have closer shots of the products. Describe your products in detail and provide quality to your customers. 

For a jewelry brand, your product’s design, quality, and brand matter the most.

If you have great designs but your brand is not known by people then your customers won’t be interested to purchase from you. 

Use all types of ads to engage with them. Creative digital advertising for your jewelry brand will have a good impact on brand image.


5. Data For Better Results 

When you opt for traditional advertising, there are no ways to find out if your ads are working. But this is not the case with digital advertising. 

When you start advertising on digital platforms, you can measure the effectiveness of your ads. You can do this by going to your analytics and checking the results.   

For instance, if you find that your platinum jewelry ads are not working and not giving effective results, so, what should you do to solve the root problem? You can simple go to your analytics page and find out the reason.

There are times when your ads don’t perform well and your customers do not see your ads. Nothing to worry about, just analyse your data


6. Easy way of Advertising

Social media is one place that can make your brand famous in just a few seconds. If your ads are creative enough to attract your audiences, a lot of people are going to share your videos thus generating brand awareness and sales. Moreover, social media digital advertising for your jewelry brand will bring you effective results.

Ensure that your content is creative and gives out a strong message. These days customers love brands that give out strong messages and make a difference in society. Use high-quality images and videos and deliver information most simply.  

Partner with the right influencers and use all these ads on different channels.

When your customers keep seeing your ads, your name will stay better in the minds of the customers and follow your brand for more such ads and products. 

For example, ads of beautiful jewelry pieces by David Yurman always bring in an urge among customers to purchase them immediately. 

They launched its Fall campaign in 2019, which was popular for its iconic photographs of New York and the jewelry. 


8 Types of Digital Advertising Campaigns Every Jewelry Brand Should Run

digital advertising for jewelry


Type 1) Display Ads

jewelry display ads

These are the kind of ads that you can use to attract your audiences and generate brand awareness. You can do this by using display ads on websites, social media platforms, and other digital channels. 

You can use images or just texts here. The users can click on your ads if they like, and then your ads will make them reach your websites for their easy purchase. You can use these ads in a lot of ways. 

Like if you are launching an emerald section or inviting customers for discount purchasing, you can use these kinds of ads to increase awareness and invite customers to your landing page easily. 

These can be best used for your target audience. Since these ads are seen everywhere by your customers, your ad will stay in their minds for a longer time and increase your sales. 


Type 2) Native Ads

jewelry ads native

Such ads are the sponsored ads that you see on your social media sites. These ads match the look and feel of your social media feeds. Sometimes the users won’t understand if these were ads or just posts because all brands use native advertising to increase their brand awareness. 

Once, the users click through the ad, it can make the customers reach the brand’s profile or the landing page. You all must have seen these ads from Forever mark on social media.

They widely use native advertising to reach their audience and display to them their products and prices. They also reach all the grooms and brides with their native ads. 

This helps in engaging with the target audience easily.

Related: Thinking About Native Advertising For Your Business? (A Complete Guide )


Type 3) Amazon Ads

jewelry amazon advertising

There are a lot of ads that appear when you search for a product on amazon. These are categorized as amazon ads. For example, when your customers search for jewelry on Amazon, they can easily find you here.

You can recognize them with the sponsored title given below. This helps in increasing your brand awareness and making your customers purchase your products. 

Advertising your products on amazon helps you to gain more clicks and turn them into sales. These ads can also appear on individual product pages.

Amazon also offers advanced targeted advertising which can help you display your products alongside top-rated products. 


Type 4) Etsy Ads 

etsy ads

Millions of people search on Etsy for products. You can bring your ads on Etsy to reach all those customers. You can use ads on Etsy to reach your potential customers when they need a product.

You can advertise all over Etsy like Etsy Search, category pages, marketing pages which can be used for its app too. You can run risk-free ads here. You will only need to pay for your ads when you make a sale. 

It also pushes the most recently listed items to the top of a search page. For instance, if you just added your silver collection to the list then there are high chances that your ad would be number one when your customer searches for a product that your deal in.

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Type 5) Social Media And YouTube Ads

jewelry facebook ad

Social media is the easiest way for digital advertising for your jewelry brand through which you can reach your audience, increase your brand awareness, and generate sales.

Through creative social media ads, you can instantly connect with your customers and create a deeper brand customer relationship. You can share a lot of your customers’ pictures with your products here so that your audience can know about your authenticity. 

The channels that can be used are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc., and increase engagements with your customers. You can advertise on social media channels and cater to a wide range of audiences.

You can use all types of ads here to meet your target audience and encourage them to click on your ads. The social media ads of jewelry by Harry Winston are beautiful. They have a wide range of holiday advertising ads. 

Their image ads with a pretty background make it appealing for the eyes and make one want to purchase their products away. 

While YouTube ads can be used to create an effect on the customers and increase their desire to purchase your products. Craft a story whenever you make video ads so that it reaches the customers better. 

If it’s women’s day and you want to show strong women and use your jewelry along with it. Create such ads in a video format and use them for YouTube ads. These ads will pay before every ad and customers can skip if they want or watch if they like the ad.

The first three to five seconds of your ads are very important which decides whether your customers want to keep watching your ad or not. The ads by Bulgari on social media use natural lights, the streets, and show women wearing their products. 

They also use short video ads which they use to make the coming soon ads or ads that are completely focused on their jewelry designs with amazing music to instantly grab the attention of the audience. 

digital advertising for jewelry



Type 7) Gmail Ads

You must be thinking about how emails are going to be useful today right? It is useful if you want to increase your brand awareness. You can create a list of your subscribers and send out emails to them. 

You should always make sure that you send out three emails always. One is welcome to email then order a confirmed email and thank you for an email.

Apart from this, you can keep them engaged and updated with your new products, new jewelry lines, special discounts, offers, memberships, and more. 

You can use images with text in them so that people can download and keep them for future use.

You can also use emails to invite your customers for a new launch or if you are opening a new jewelry shop. You can send an invite through mails. Gmail ads will perform well for digital advertising for your jewelry brand.

Ensure that you don’t spam them with your mails otherwise, they might unsubscribe you. So, send emails that are creative with catchy titles and intersting to read. Keep it simple, subtle, and scintillating. 


Type 8) Influencer Ads

Influencers are taking up the advertising world. Nowadays everyone in social media is using influencers to promote their products and their brands. Choosing the right influencer for your brand is very important. 

So, you need to research the influencers and then choose those influencers who have some knowledge about your industry and brand. This helps the brand to gain trust for their customers as the customers trust the influencers. 

They will help you to promote your products thus generating greater brand awareness and sales. A lot of jewelry brands use influencers to promote their products and attract their audience.




5 Jewelry Digital Advertising Examples to Inspire You

Tiffany& Co

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They are one of the oldest and the best jewelry brands. Every woman wants to win a Tiffany piece. Their ads are just as lovely as their pieces of jewelry. 

They have done a lot of ad campaigns like Will you, believe in love, hand in hand, etc. and all of them have an emotional impact and a story that connects to the audience deeply. 

They use a lot of influencers and celebrities to advertise their products. Their holiday advertisements are beautiful and the images are high-quality and 3D images which gives a better visual effect on the customers. 

They also have video ads with creative hashtags that celebrate women. They also have a color pattern that they follow which looks elegant on their feed. 


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They are a luxury brand and have luxury advertising. Chanel has a lot of video ads where influencers, ambassadors talk about trust and friendship with the brand. 

They see augmented reality with retro music for better effects. They also use a series of ads with the same name to keep their audience excited.

Not just that they also bring in a lot of stories that show what their brand is like. The designer’s story or behind the scenes engages the audience with the brand. 



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They have also brought out lovely ads. How far would you go for love, Saturday night live, etc. They also use ads to show their sales and video ads showing holiday advertising. They use a lot of influencers too to promote their products and their brand.

Their holiday advertising ads have a different concept with 3D effects that makes their advertising unique and makes them stand out in the competitive market.

Their ads incorporate entrepreneurs and celebrities where they talk about building projects, showing their journey, and help in instilling motivation and inspire them to do something through their ads. 

These kinds of ads help in setting an example in front of the people to believe in their dreams and live the way they like. Customers love such creative advertising and the Cartier is doing an amazing job here.   

David Yurman

This brand uses Pinterest to advertise its products well. They also recently launched an ad called Star dreaming where they beautifully showcased their finest jewelry. 

They also use a variety of ads on social media like image ads, shoppable ads, video ads, etc. Not only do they use a lot of influencers to promote their products but they also use their customers as their influencers. 

This helps in engaging the customers with the brand and building trust. Their pattern with black and white designs gives it a sophisticated look.   


Forever mark 

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This brand has brought out a lot of ads like the center of my universe, the proposal, I take you, until forever, etc., which brings out a message in the end and helps in connecting with the audiences. 

Forever mark diamonds are shining on the digital platform, especially social media platforms. They use a lot of unboxing ads and emphasize their collection and unique style in all their ads. 

Their ads are a little different from others as they focus on their product and give the customers the complete look of their products in just a 5-second video. 

They not only use customers to showcase their products but also share their feeling about wearing their products in the ad. 

This can help the customers to understand brand authenticity and would want to rely more on this brand than any other. 




6 Digital Advertising Best Practices for Jewelry Business

jewelry advertising

Do you have the passion to sell sparkling gemstones and beautiful jewelry? Are you the one who is continuously trying to attract customers and new clients? Do not worry, we have brought you some best digital advertising practices for your jewelry business.


Make Your Website Easy to Use

A user-friendly website will help you attract more customers. That’s something you should start with. Remember, your website says a lot about you, so keep your layout simple yet attractive for your potential buyers.

Your customers will buy from you if you set a laying impression on their minds. It’s not necessary for you to have an eCommerce site to sell your jewelry products instead your need to create an appealing and easy-to-use website for your customers.


Do SEO Optimization

Once you are done with making your jewelry site user-friendly, now it is time to work on search engine optimization.

When you optimize your website it means you are tweaking and editing some aspects of your website so that search engines understand all about your site and rank it at a higher position.

So, if your website is not search engine optimized then you are missing something very important. You are missing the potential traffic that can gear up your sales as compared to your competitors.


Practice Email Marketing

Another best practice for digital advertising your jewelry business is to practice email marketing. It can convert your potential shoppers into clients. But remember, do not purchase an email list. It may sound like a great option but it is a huge waste of money and an additional headache of legal issues.

Moreover, you might end up sending emails to those who are not interested in your jewelry business. So, it tends to put a bad impression on people.

Instead have a newsletter sign-up sheet on your website which will help in attracting interested audiences. It may take a little longer time but will help you in getting greater engagement.


Start Advertising

As we all know that internet has eased up the work of most businesses. In fact, it has opened up numerous prospects for online businesses to grow their reach on digital platforms through digital advertising and marketing.

Moreover, social media and Youtube ads have added a cherry on the top of the cake. These ads help you to increase your brand visibility and connect with your target audiences quickly.

Video ads on YouTube help you to interact with your target audiences thus developing a long-term brand-customer relationship. While social media ads helps you to target people of all age groups through varied platforms. 

For instance, you can use Facebook to target middle-aged or older people, you can use Snapchat to target millennials.

Isn’t it great? So, start advertising on all these online platforms to get popularity and greater visibilty.


Create Blog Posts

Blog posts are also a great way to advertise your product. It gives you an opportunity to drive more traffic to your website. An updated site with blogs sends a good message to Google and helps you get the greater attraction.

Blog posts are a great idea for the jewelry business because it gives you a chance to establish yourself as an expert on jewelry and also help you showcase your USP.

You can keep the blog fun, creative, engaging as well as informative to attract more and more clients.


Build Social Media Presence

Social media is a great way to advertise your jewelry business and its offerings. Being active on social media helps in increasing your visibility and gaining brand exposure.

You can take advantage of all social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest to advertise, educate and engage with your customers.

Monitor all your accounts frequently. Keep engaging with your audiences and tell them how your product has more benefits for them.



Get Your Customers to Know Your Dazzle Through Digital Ads

digital advertising for jewelry

In today’s digital age, there is a huge competition for everyone to become the best. Digital advertising will define your jewelry brand and motivate others. 

Tell a million stories through the frame and connect with your customers for a lifetime through digital advertising. 

If you still haven’t started with your digital advertising, now is the time to start and reach your audience and make them fall in love with your brand. 

If you want to dazzle your audience with the most creative jewelry ad of all time, drop us a message.


Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure: Learn From Mistakes Others Make

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The secret to success in business isn’t doing what other successful people have done; it’s by avoiding the mistakes made by businesses that have failed. Instead of repeating their mistakes, now we can learn from them and best ensure business growth and commercial success.

17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail brings the cautionary tales of mistakes made by many businesses that ultimately led to their failure and which other businesses should avoid at all costs if they plan to survive and grow. Get your copy.

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