Creative Sustainable Initiative: 6 Inspiring Examples

In this emerging world, resources are continuously depleting. So it is very necessary to take steps and come forward with a creative sustainable initiative to fulfill our needs.

The demand for sustainable products is rising due to which the environmental sustainability issues continue to gain momentum around the world. Aiming to achieve their sustainable goals, brands need to create sustainable initiatives. 

Moreover, the statistics show that 45% of the consumers are interested in brands that are environmentally responsible. So if your brand involves sustainable production, no force can stop you to reach heights.

A very famous line said by Robert Swan reads- “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

This quote teaches us a lot of things. It teaches us that Earth is our mother and we all should take all essential steps to save our mother. 

This is what I am here to discuss today. Creative sustainable initiatives for your brand will help you be heard, seen, and loved.

On an even brighter side, you will be doing it by keeping the environment in mind. How does it get any better than this right?

So, let’s understand how brands are taking up creative sustainable initiatives. However, before that, let’s understand a little about the same.



What is a Creative Sustainable Initiative?

Sustainability is the key initiative that is the future for our green and healthy economy.

If you want to strive for a green economy, you need to put effort to come up with alternatives and new solutions that address the limitations of the limited resource footprints.

This not only requires innovation but also creative thinking in all aspects. Sustainability and creativity are linked closely. It requires concerted efforts if you want to build a resilient future for the planet.

These days numerous brands are adopting the creative sustainability approach to build a green market. This not only assists the environment but also the growing needs of the customers.

Therefore, adopting a sustainable approach with a touch of creativity in it can help your brand grow at a rapid rate.

Nowadays your customers are attracted to those products that have an impact on their lifestyle and no other option better fits their needs than sustainable products.

Moreover, innovation and creative business ideas are the keys to business success and future societal prosperity. Innovation should overcome all the hurdles to affordability, adaptability, replicability, and sustainability.

Remember, under the creative sustainable initiative if any new technology or brand does not contribute to creating a positive change in the lives of people then it does not qualify to the category of innovation in the creative sustainable initiative.

Your brand’s action should have an impact on the environment and society. Sounds good right? 



Why Does Creative Sustainable Initiative Matter?

This is a big concern in today’s world. I will tell you why.

In the present time, our world is on the track of unsustainability and there is excessive pressure on the earth’s natural resources.

Therefore, this has put a big question mark on the survival of human beings. 

With increasing customer demand, brands these days are adopting sustainable initiatives to ensure that all customer needs are fulfilled keeping in mind the environment.

Consumers are far more aware of the products and the impact they have on the surroundings and social welfare.

More than 50% of customers desire products and services that are environmentally sustainable. 

Not only this, but customers are also willing to pay a premium price for a brand if they are aware that the brand has been actively indulging in creative sustainable initiatives.

The buying and spending behavior of consumers has changed a lot, especially the Millennials.

When they spend on buying products they care about social issues and see whether brands apply sustainable production practices or follow ethical business behavior.

Therefore it is very essential for brands to invest in a creative sustainable initiative for long-term success.

Similarly, creative sustainable initiatives should matter to your brand as well. Here are a few pointers to why creative sustainable initiatives should be of great importance to you.


To Execute Sustainable Business Practice

A sustainable initiative by brands that are creative and innovative tend to have a positive impact on its consumers.

Moreover, you will always keep in mind what your customers want from you when you have a defined approach in your mind.

When your brand thinks of taking some healthy steps towards maintaining a healthy balance between your offering and sustainability, your customers will surely choose you for your social concern and their well-being.

This not only makes them attracted to your product but also creates a responsible brand image.


A Step to Protect Your Brand Image and Overcome Risks

With changing times, it is essential for you to be in alignment with what your customers need. Not only do unnecessary and improper practices damage the reputation of your brand, but they also reduce your customer base.

Moreover, a corporate social responsibility study says that 87% of the consumers highly prefer eco-conscious brands.

Additionally, 95% of millennials will recommend a brand to someone else if they are of the belief that the brand is driven by sustainable practices.

Therefore come up with ideas that portray your brand as the one who believes in being sustainable, who cares for the environment as well as the needs of their customers.

The creative sustainable initiative not only improves brand awareness but also makes your brand stand out from the crowd.

To Drive Change

Change is always needed. Personally, I feel that consumers are more attracted to those products that affect them in a positive way.

Most brands go with collaboration to come up with new innovations and be successful. It does not necessarily mean that collaborating can help you reach your customers and be successful.

Instead, work with a purpose and implement those ideas that can help you in making a sustainable impact with your brand. Look to your competitors who are successful in this field. It will help in making an impact.

So, change is the main reason that creative sustainable initiative is of utmost concern for your brand. 


To be Socially Responsible

When you are a responsible brand that always aims at making a change, a big responsibility comes to your shoulders and that is to be socially responsible as well.

You are not opting for creative sustainable initiatives just to increase your product sales but you are also doing it for the purpose of being responsible for the surroundings.

So your brand should come up with a sustainable initiative that serves both criteria which include- being responsible towards the environment and increasing your product sales. 



6 Brands with a Creative Sustainable Initiative

Now that you have understood all about creative sustainable initiatives, you must be wondering about the brands that took themselves to the next level with it.

Here are a few brands that have owned the term: Creative sustainable initiatives. Let’s have a look at these.




Rothy is a great example of a creative sustainable initiative. Sustainability is of utmost priority to this brand.

It uses recycled plastic bottles as a production material for shoes, bags, and even face coverings.

The fact is every minute one million bottles are used globally.

This is the reason why Rothy’s have come up with an idea to use plastic bottles to produce essential goods.

Rothy’s have put every detail on their website on how used plastic bottles are sliced and processed to knit into shoes, bags, and face coverings. To date, nearly 70 million plastic bottles are reused by the brand.

Moreover, they are committed to using recycled materials to package products. It has also partnered Envira Amazonia Project to conserve tropical rainforests.


Banco De Brasil


Another one absolutely standing out in the creative sustainable initiative race is Banco De Brasil.

If someone asks you tomorrow which is the most sustainable bank in the world, what will your answer be?

Don’t worry, I will give you the answer. The most sustainable bank in the world is Banco de Brasil.

It is way different from other banks because its corporate sustainability initiative offers more green loans than any other bank. 

Green loans are given to projects that are highly focused on protecting the environment and this bank’s loan book consists of green loans.

This initiative by Banco De Brasil is a powerful and healthy way to put money towards sustainability.




When it comes to technology, Apple is popular among all of us.

However, did you know that Apple isn’t just going on producing gadgets? This, Steve Job’s legacy is committed to mediating climate change issues in the hardest-hit areas of the world.

Apple is working with Conservation International and has pledged to replant 27000 mangrove trees along the coastline in Columbia.

This initiative by Apple will help in eliminating carbon from the air and also protect the coastline from erosion.

Moreover, Apple also ensures that they are promoting sustainability in their products and services as well.

So Apple is putting all efforts to create a sustainable environment along with the production of its products.




The first online shopping destination, Etsy, offsets 100% carbon emissions from its shipping.

It is a medium that provides individuals to sell their craftworks and creations to the public. It also generates a large number of packages that are to be shipped on a daily basis.

So to counteract these carbon emissions that are released into the air by package shipments, this brand has partnered with 3Degrees, a renewable energy company.

It will fund carbon emission reduction projects which will save the environment. It includes sponsoring wind and solar farms, protecting forests, developing greener ways for auto part production, etc.




Ikea’s ‘Take Back’ program encouraged recycling and invited customers to return the brand’s unwanted furniture back to the store.

This was launched in Australia which gave benefit to the customers who returned the unwanted furniture and in turn received store credits. These returned items were re-sold at a discounted rate. 

So this was a very healthy initiative by Ikea to promote a sustainable lifestyle.

Moreover, it showed ethical behavior towards the environment and took one step ahead to save mother Earth.




adidas stan smith

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Adidas used recycled materials in their latest launch. The ” Kermit the Frog ” rendition of the Stan Smith was released by Adidas and the Muppets franchise and was manufactured using recycled materials.

Adidas also released a new video campaign, a sixty-second ad that showcased the brand’s goal to contribute to a greener, more sustainable future and to end plastic waste.

The favorite Disney, Pixar, and Marvel characters such as the Hulk, Groot, etc influenced the custom Stan Smith models.

Moreover, Adidas’s PRIME GREEN technology of recyclable materials was used instead of recycled rubber outsoles in these models.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Moving Ahead With Purpose

Being more sustainable would help your brand become more efficient, increasingly credible, provide platforms for innovation, and so on.

A green brand serves the environment’s best interests, which means it helps the society and economy that depend on a sustainable world.

The customer’s interest in your brand will grow if you are transparent and truthful about sustainable development processes. This helps the brands to communicate to people how they are helping environmental sustainability.

So, if you want to create creative sustainable strategies for your brand, you need to keep yourself updated with all that is happening around the business world. Subscribe to our blogs to stay informed. 

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