Rock-solid Conversational Marketing Guide: What, Why and How?

Who doesn’t like a good conversation? Good interactions always attract people. This happens with brands too. When brands communicate effectively, they attract their target audiences. So, adopting a conversational marketing strategy in the coming years will help you stay ahead.

A lot of things have changed in the past few years. Several brands have already shifted to digital platforms and are performing amazingly with their digital marketing and advertising.

As more and more brands are coming up in the digital space, your brand should meet customers’ needs proactively. Through conversational marketing, you will not only build your brand but also a lasting relationship with your customers. 

Communication and interactions help both the brand and the customer to get satisfactory results. Even though sometimes we stay far away from each other, a small open conversation can solve all problems.

Similarly, interacting with your customers, and having a conversation with them can help you improve your brand presence.

In this article, you will get to know all about conversational marketing strategy with a more personalized approach. Before we begin, first let’s discuss what exactly is conversational marketing.



What is Conversational Marketing? 

conversation marketing examples

Conversational marketing depends on one-to-one interactions that can be done through various platforms. These interactions make it possible for brands to market themselves in a more relevant and impactful way. It is the ultimate way to actively engage your customers with your brand and boost your brand presence. 

Let me give you an example:

Bizadmark: Hi, What Kinds Of Services Would You Like?

You: Creative Marketing Ideas For My Brand

Bizadmark: Cool Buddy! Bringing A Few Options Right Now

You: Wow! That Helped, thanks. 

Didn’t that make you feel good? Don’t you feel good when brands treat you like this? Such kinds of conversations make the customer feel good too. This exactly is what forms the crux of conversational marketing strategy.

At Bizadmark, when you feel the need to talk to someone about your brand, we will hear you. Just wanted to give you relaxation and make some light conversations before we move on.


How to Add Conversational Marketing to Your Business: 4 Ways

1. Hello From Chatbots

conversational marketing bots

These are commonly used by a lot of brands now. Chatbots are software programs capable of mimicking or simulating human activity and actions. Typically, chatbots are used in conversational marketing strategies.

They are powered by Artificial Intelligence which means that without the need for the continuous effort they can easily communicate with humans. 

For instance, once I wanted to cancel my flight bookings, so I went on to the site and chatted with the bot. It instantly gave me the ways to cancel my flight and spared me through the navigation that I had to conduct to actually get my ticket canceled. 

Not only this, but the brand also stayed with me because of the ease of service that it offered me along with wonderful conversational assistance.


2. Emails

Emails were one of the initial ways of how conversational marketing started. Emails are regularly checked by people. So, it is a great way of interacting with your customers and letting them know that you care for them.

But nowadays emails have mostly become a one-way channel of communication where brands just keep sending out emails about the services they offer. This is where you can stand apart. Make your emails as personalized and conversational as you can.

Here are a few ways to make your email conversational. 

Try to provide your customers with lesser links and more information. 

End with or write your emails in a way that leaves an open-ended question. Sometimes even if you know the answers, still encourage your customer to reply with an answer. This way you can start a professional conversation with your customers.

When you send out an invite, again do not attach more links. Instead, you can encourage your customers to reply with a yes or a no. Later, thank them for their response. This way they will feel like you are approachable even through your emails. 


3. Live Customer Support 

conversational marketing

Live Chat is a program or application which helps you to connect to your website for your business. It lets users send a message in real-time directly to you or a member of the team.

One of the most fundamental elements of any conversational marketing strategy is to deliver a high level of customer service. 

A report states that over 63 percent of customers have indicated that they are more likely to return to a website that provides live chat services. 

Even though Live Chat cannot be used as the primary means of engaging with your customer, other elements such as helping your customers, providing product advice, surveying customer views, and generating revenue for the business is… Share on X


Conversational Marketing Strategy 2021


4. Customer Loyalty Programs

It is used by brands to motivate customers to buy more by giving them some advantages and incentives. It allows you to provide customers with a seamless transactional experience at multiple touchpoints. 

A lot of research should be put in by your team before any implementation starts to conduct an effective customer loyalty program. But remember, it is not only about having a conversation.

It is about meeting your customers in a place where they are comfortable and providing them with the right information at the right time. 



What Are the Benefits of Conversational Marketing Strategy?

conversational marketing

PC – Hubspot

Enhances Customer Experience

When customers are spending their valuable time visiting your website, you should put utmost effort to keep them intact. This allows you to initiate a conversation and helps you in understanding their needs. It instantly gives them the solutions that they need.

Builds Stronger Relationships 

Including a conversational marketing strategy will have added benefits as having a conversation with bots is similar to having conversations with humans. This helps in building a level of trust among the customers. This way they will keep returning to your site to get an answer or purchase a product. 

With well-written conversations, you can easily target your audience and create stronger relationships with them. Such kinds of conversations bring in a lot of opportunities for the brand to impress their customers and maintain the relationship. Instead of losing their opinions in the void, they feel as if their opinion counts and will help develop your business.


Helps You Know Your Customers 

Customers can find it daunting to fill out a form or write about it. Instead, a conversation can help you do that.

Understand your customers, take feedback from them and illustrate your brand’s personality accordingly. This feedback can enable you to understand your customers better improve your marketing strategies and meet them where they are. 


24X7 Customer Service Available

There is no fixed timing for chatbots, they are available 24/7. So, if the customers try to contact or need your assistance even in the middle of the night, they can avail themselves easily. Which enables your brand to be a convenient and efficient brand that the customers love. 



Conversational Marketing Tips for Effective Personalization


Every time customers engage with your brand, they expect highly important and personalized experiences. As per a survey, 86 percent of consumers say that personalization has some effect on what they purchase, and one quarter agree that personalization significantly affects their purchasing decisions.

Personalization is all about providing timely and meaningful content that resonates through all the marketing platforms. Netflix, for instance, is a brand that works with personalization as its tool. Not only does the streaming service offer you film and TV suggestions based on the content you have watched, but it also customizes film covers, giving attention to actors you are familiar with.

Most all including me watch all shows that come under the recommended section as I am happy watching the genre I like. This is one of the reasons why Netflix is the most popular among the OTT platforms. 

With personalization in hand, you can use your conversational marketing strategy to:


Connect With Your Audience

When you use a more personalized form of communication or conversation, you connect better with the audience. Like with the chatbots provide a more personalized level of communication with your audience. 

Your customers will not be able to connect instantly like that when they simply visit your website. They don’t need to purchase from your brand, the minute they visit your website. But with more personalized conversational marketing, can instill a need to purchase a product from your brand into the mind of the customers. 


Maintain Quality 

Some levels of personalization are necessary but you need to ensure that professionalism is maintained. Conversations could be easily understood, predicted, and repeated so that customers can easily know how to respond to the questions. 

You can research a few common questions that are asked by the customer and align with the bot to stay informed if the customer needs some information. Being professional and giving out personalized messages can help your content to be clear, precise, and natural for the customers. 


Analyze and Improvise

Once you have had conversations with your customers, you might have understood what they need and what they are seeking from a brand. You can analyze and optimize your content in a way that you can connect with your customers better next time.  

For example, you understand that your emails are generating better responses with a certain style. You can try developing more ways to increase engagements and responses from customers through emails and provide your customers with better service.

Always ask your customers for feedback so that you can understand their preferences better and work accordingly. Your customers will also understand that you value them. 


4 Tips on How to Do Conversational Marketing

live chat

1. Focus More on Customer Experience 

While you are having personalized conversations through chats, your main focus should be to make your customers’ journey easy. When they get a seamless or a hassle-free experience with your brands, they would want to keep coming back to your website. 

Ensure that your chatbots are not activated at random, distracting, asking irrelevant questions, or providing wrong answers. These can put your customers off and they can exit from your website. 


2. Look for More Subscribers 

It is great that you spend a lot of time generating content that helps to grab the attention of your customers. But are you getting a lot of subscribers? One way to engage in a conversation with your audience is when they become your subscribers. 

For instance, when they subscribe to your emails, they will be able to provide a lot more feedback and insights that you could use in your marketing strategies.  

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3. Use Social Media Messaging Applications

Include social media messaging apps also a way to give personalized or do conversational marketing. For example, you can use Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp to give them updates or solve their queries. They also help in generating leads and boosting sales.

Everyone is on social media nowadays. When they open any website they are also going to check their social media accounts. Therefore giving them the easiest service through instant messaging apps will give them a smooth experience. 


4. Begin Small and Simple 

Start with simple questions. Don’t ask too many complex questions. Like, May I help you, can be an easy way to let customers describe their problems on their own rather than providing options. 

Many customers that visit your website might also be interred in demos. The demo bots can help the customers to give them a demo and make them understand how certain things can be done without asking for a representative.  



Can Conversations Change Customer Interests? 

change iinterest

We have traveled a long way in terms of communication. I will not go so much in the past but you all know a time when conversations were done through letters. Then came telephones, the old dialer ones. 

Then SMS services which had a limited number of messages that you could send since they are mostly costly and then slowly we have the most advanced technology where we can see and talk to each other even if we are miles and miles away. All credit goes to the internet and the developers. 

From the past till now in a lot of ways conversational and the way of approaching the customers have changed. We have already discussed how personalization has become a vital concept for the brands to engage their customers and will continue to be in charge. 

Not only that even customers have become more tech-savvy and prefer to opt for brands that use digital and technology more. Hence, customers are getting more and more influenced and are opting for brands that provide such seamless services. 

The conversational marketing strategy will have the huge benefit of more insights into customers. When brands combine these insights and improve their marketing methods, naturally customers are going to shift their interest towards brands who understand them and have similar likings to other brands. 



What are Some Recent Conversational Marketing Trends?

So, now that you have an idea about what conversational marketing is, I am sure you are more than motivated to incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

However, before doing that, you need to be aware of some trends that are or will be ruling the conversational marketing world.

This way, you will be able to better plan out your conversational marketing strategy and will be heard, be seen, and be loved.

So, let’s take a look at some of the recent and upcoming trends in the conversational marketing world.


The Chatbots Era is Coming in Full Force

conversational marketing example 3

PC – Videoform

Chatbots have started to become very popular in recent years. This will continue and go to the next step in order to upgrade conversational marketing.

With the advent of super-evolved Artificial Intelligence, chatbots won’t feel like chatbots when incorporated into the conversational marketing strategy. 

They will be even more personalized and will be able to have a conversation with your customers as if a team member is talking to them in real-time.

Therefore, if you haven’t incorporated chatbot into your conversational marketing strategy, now is the time to do it.


More Messaging Apps and Platforms Will Emerge

Whatsapp business has proven that doing business on messaging platforms can work wonders. Not only this, businesses utilize the messaging features of other platforms too to make the most of conversational marketing.

As a result, new messaging platforms are emerging and will continue to emerge in the coming time. As messaging apps continue to cater to about 73 trillion messages, it is no surprise that brands will incorporate messaging into their conversational marketing strategy in 2021.

Therefore, watch out for major messaging platforms either upgrading to suit conversational marketing that brands desire or brands stepping up and adopting messaging apps to fulfill their customers’ conversational marketing needs.


Voice-Based Conversation Marketing Will Grow

From Alexa to Siri, voice-based searches have highly increased. People are using these voice-based interfaces to get quotations, information, and even reviews.

As a result, it is important for a brand to take voice-based technology into consideration as it is rapidly becoming a very crucial part of conversational marketing strategy especially in 2022.

Moreover, according to a report, there will be a 1000% increase in voice-based technology in the next 4 years. Therefore, your brand needs to incorporate this element into your conversational marketing strategy starting now.


Customer Experience Will Be Top Priority

As we already know, the business environment has moved from a product-centric to a customer-centric environment.

Today, it is more about giving your customers a unique and interactive experience. When they feel that experience with you, they will be automatically connected with your brand and you will shine.

This emphasis on customer experience through a unique conversational marketing strategy will be one of the major trends in the coming years.

Moreover, it is only going to get more and more intense as time passes. So be prepared with a unique, relatable, and amazingly interactive conversational marketing strategy.

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Key Takeaway: Conversational Marketing

ME: Staring today?

YOU: Yes, Right Now.

There is a vast ocean of conversational marketing elements that you can incorporate into your business. For instance, chatbots are still considered fancy but it is time that you involve them in your marketing.

Conversational marketing is more likely to become natural and streamlined in the coming years. It will enable marketers to quickly and easily program their tools for conversations. 

Hoping that our article has helped you to understand all about conversational marketing. 


The Stories of Deadly Business Mistakes That You Should Absolutely Avoid

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Conversational Marketing FAQs

Why is it Important for My Brand to Adapt Conversational Marketing?

Today everyone thrives on strong and personal communication. When you engage in a conversation with your customers, you add value to their overall brand experience. This is why it is important.


How do I Know Which Way of Conversational Marketing is the Right Way?

Different brands have different brand personalities. As a result, there is no one way to start with conversational marketing. Each brand will have a different way of conversing depending on its brand persona. So figure out what is yours and start accordingly.


What if I Don’t Take a Conversational Marketing Approach?

Any approach to your brand will depend on your perception of what works and what doesn’t. However, our motive is to always deliver value to our customers so that they stay with us for a long time and bring others around as well. So if you don’t use conversational marketing, you might have a shot of short-term success but it won’t be there long term.


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