Unique Digital Advertising Ideas For Home Furnishing And Decor Brand

In this article, I will be explaining to you all about digital advertising for your home furnishing and decor brand. Home is one place where all our stories begin. Your brand makes it possible for the customers to feel comfortable in the space that they are living in. 

Be it classy, modern, simple, or exotic, home furnishing and decor adds life to a house. However,  how will your customers be able to reach you if you don’t advertise your brand efficiently? Enter, Digital Advertising. This is more relevant now than ever and covid time has proven it. 


Customers Want More From You…

Customers now have access to a larger market as a result of globalization. This makes it easier to find a range of goods through different distribution channels. In addition, the growth of the interior designing industry has paved the way for luxurious and high-end home decor items that provide visitors with a memorable experience. 

Hence, digital advertising for your home furnishing and decor brand will help you take your brand to the next level and provide a range of beautiful products to your customers. This will help you to be heard, seen, and loved. Who doesn’t want that right? 

Before venturing into how digital marketing will help your brand, let’s understand the home decor market first.



How Big is the Home Decor Market?

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advertising home furnishing decor brand

The home furnishing and decor market’s product demand is driven mostly by increasing demand for furniture and fixtures, as well as flooring products. I am sure you know this though. Let’s dive a little deeper.

As per a report, the US home decor market was worth $125,813.0 million in 2019. It is projected to rise to $158,929.1 million by 2027, with a CAGR of 8.0 percent between 2020 and 2027. 

Furthermore, the trend towards using eco-friendly goods that are less harmful to the environment has increased. This further generates demand for innovative home decor products made from various raw materials that keep our earth and our customers happy. 



Why Invest in Digital Advertising for a Home Furnishing & Decor Brand

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Digital advertising creates powerful opportunities for brands to tell their stories. Today, there is huge competition among brands to come in the top position in the market. In such a situation, your home furnishing and decor brand can use digital advertising to cut through the noise and stand apart.  


No More Just Traditional, Go the Digital Highway…

Unlike traditional advertising, you can target your audience here and understand easily if your ads are working. Imagine if you have a new series of vintage couch collections.

Not everyone will be into vintage furnishing. Some might like funky, others might like plain and simple. This is where digital ads can help you in reaching the right audience with the right product.  

Do market research and understand the trends of the market and what your customer preference is. You can categorize your audience according to their preferences and target your ads to them.

Sounds like a cool way right? Home furnishing brands need digital advertising to stay relevant in this competitive industry. 

Your digital ads can do a lot more than just targeting. They allow you to reach the right people at the right time with the right message. Don’t forget the impact of the visual experience they receive through your beautiful ads filled with colors, images, your logo, and so on.

You need to make your customers feel like that’s the dream home furnishing and decor they wanted. So, are you ready to begin with your digital advertising for your home decor brand? It’s not over yet. We have some cool ideas waiting for you. 

Does Social Media (Digital) Advertising Prove Effective for Home Decor Brands? 

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Today, a brand’s presence on social media has become inevitable. Spending habits of people on home decor and home renovation projects are being highly influenced by social media. Not only this, ads on social media encourage you to reach out to people who are not following you. 

Moreover, the acceptance of online home décor products as a means of shopping has increased. This is due to the penetration of e-commerce and smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets with convenient payment and delivery options.

Hence, through social media ads, you can directly link your website to your ads showcase it in front of people, and encourage sales. 

Nowadays, social media advertising platforms are so effective that you can target your ads to specific people. You can target people based on their demographics, preferences, and attitudes, among other factors.

A few social media platforms where you must use your ads are:

Facebook Ads (Digital Advertising for Home Decor Brands)

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This is one of the most common and important social media platforms. Brands can advertise through Facebook Pages to attain the attention of their customers.

The ability to target your exact audience is a big advantage of Facebook ads. Users are targeted with Facebook advertising based on their location, demographics, and profile details. 

For instance, you can create catalog ads where you can display your furniture or decor products. You can also create a single ad with a clear and defined call-to-action that will help customers to reach the brand website directly and explore further purchasing options.  

Apart from advertising on Facebook, it also offers a long-standing community-building option. With this, you can join various communities where you can showcase your brand and people specifically looking for you can find you. 


Instagram (Digital Advertising for Home Decor Brands)

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This platform is on fire now and this is the best time to try your ads here. Who knows maybe you might get the chance to become a viral sensation in just a few days.

You can create a business profile here and begin with your ads. Along with the business profile, you can also access analytics that will help you to understand if your posts are working well. 

For instance, here you can use influencer advertising, story ads, etc to showcase your home decor products. You can also use trending videos to stay relevant.

For instance, transformation videos are really cool and trending with cool songs nowadays. You can create a transformation video showing how your customers can transform their houses or room into classy, funky, etc spaces. 


Pinterest (Digital Advertising for Home Decor Brands)

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PC – Shopify

Who does not like Pinterest? They are a great way to provide inspiration to your customers. I for one always look for my dream home furnishing and decor on Pinterest. I even have a board where I have designed the entirety of my dream house. I know it sounds a bit too much but believe me, I am not the only one doing it.

This is why I know Pinterest is one of the best places you can place your ads and yourself in. Pinners will find what they love and pin your ads on their board for future use. It helps your brands to gain brand awareness as well as increase sales. 

For instance, you can use high-quality pictures here to grab the attention of your audience. Create a lot of categories with small texts that define your home decor product. Even a customization available tag. This will get the users excited and would want to know further about your brand. 


Youtube (Digital Advertising for Home Decor Brands)

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YouTube is an undeniably useful tool because of its wide scope and strong targeting capabilities. This is where the whole world goes to watch videos. Your decor brand must use youtube to introduce new products or design series to gain more popularity. 

Hence, creating YouTube ads for your brand is like art. You must be thinking why I said it’s an art? Well, you need to be extremely creative to be able to get the attention of your customers in just a fraction of seconds. 

Your key here is to attract your audience in a way that they can remember your brand and your ad for more than three seconds of the ad.  


Expert Digital Advertising Strategies for Home Decor Brands

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Use Animation or Augmented Reality   

Using animation or augmented reality in your ads can help customers get a better understanding of your products. It will attract more audiences to your products and ads. With augmented reality, they can literally see what furnishing and home decor products will suit their house. 

For example, Ikea was one of the first online furniture stores to offer customers the value of augmented reality. Ikea released a catalog feature called “Place in Your Space” that allowed users to check out their desired items in their own homes. Sounds like something that would surely interest me. What about you?


Run Google My Business Ads

Google my business helps your brand to verify your business on google. Through your ads here, you can reach your potential customers and let them know your location. For instance, if someone searches on google for a home decor brand, your brand name with location will pop up. 

This way your customers are going to know your location and brand name easily. You can also show ads to your neighbor and send them offers on certain products that they might be interested in purchasing. 


Invest in Localized Advertising 

A brand that has a localized approach will be able to establish familiarity among the local customers. A localized approach advertising to home furnishing and decor will get your brand a wider reach. It will also help your customers to get a better experience. 

For example, if you have products with local designs or for local purposes, you can use them in your ads so that people can relate them to your brand. Here, you are targeting a specific set of audiences, therefore, you will certainly be able to get ample attention and more sales.  

Create Bite-Sized Videos 

Nowadays, creativity is best seen through small biteable-sized videos on social media or other websites. This can be a little tricky but if you are able to bring in creativity in your ads here, there is no doubt that they are going to be a success.

This will lead your customers to know your level of creativity and get them impressed. Use a lot of shots that are unique or add an element that is true to only your decor brand. It can be the way your logo is shown or your decor store. This way it will easily stay in the mind of the customers. 


Make Conversations Through Advertising

There are ads everywhere today. Be it on television, smartphones, websites, social media, etc. So, how do you get your customers to look at your new furniture ads? One way is you add all the above points. The other way is through making a conversation through ads. 

You need to add a script that is relatable for people. For this, you need to do thorough research and understand the market before making ads. 

Once you know what your customer needs, create ads in a way like you are having a conversation with them, and in response, they should click on your ad or visit your website. 


Promote Through Deals and Offers

This is a very interesting and common way of promoting your products and brand to customers. We all love shopping and sales. Imagine you send a promotion ad about sales or offers to your customers when they are in a need of new furniture.  

This will create a fear of missing out on them as soon as they look at the notification. It will urge them to check out your website for more information. You can get more visitors to your website as well as more awareness and sales. This is a great way of advertising through mobiles. 

Go Organic And GMO Free!Effective Grass-fed Marketing & Advertising Techniques


Key Takeaway: Digital Advertising for Home Decor Brands

Home decoration, renovation, and furnishing are large industries, that have a plethora of ways to have fun and express themselves. This also enhances the atmosphere of their homes through digital advertising. 


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