How to Advertise a Boring Product? 6 Secrets You Must Know

How to advertise a boring product? What an interesting question it is?

This definitely is a problem that many brands face.

To start with, let me be honest that not every product can be a vintage-style handbag, a luxury perfume, a cocktail dress, an impossible burger, an Apple laptop, or something else. A lot of times the products are going to be boooooooooring insurance services, software, bathroom fitting products, or something else so boring that even your brain can’t recall them after thinking hard for many hours.

So, if your product falls in the second category, I have great news for you. When it comes to advertising, there are no boring products or services. It all lies in your ad.

Your ad can turn your fancy, supercool product into a super annoying one.

Or the same ad can turn your nothin-can-get-as-boring-as-this-product into a fun and interesting one.

So, if your product is boring. Blame it on your advertising that hasn’t still transformed this frog into a prince.

It’s time for you to change the way you advertise, start thinking differently, and start acting a little cooler than you think you are.


6 Most Feared Yet Effective Advertising Tips for Boring Products

creative ad

I’m sharing some of the riskiest yet extremely effective advertising tips for those businesses who are having a hard time getting noticed by their audience. These tips are not many will recommend because they involve tough decisions that not many are comfortable with.

If you’re happy with the way things are for your business or if you like being safe, these are not for you. Definitely for your competitors. Somebody has to win!

Social media and every other digital channel are highly crowded. Everyone is fighting to get a little attention. When it comes to getting attention, these tips work like a charm:


Let Your Wild Side Shine

Everybody is attracted to people who are fun to be around. Join the conversation in the most entertaining way possible.

Also, Just because you sell screwdrivers doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a party like other cool retail products.


Where is Your Sense of Humor Hiding?


Who doesn’t like to laugh? We are naturally drawn to people who have a great sense of humor as in their presence, we feel light, happy, and elated.

Imagine you’re at a party where all the cool kids hang out. At one corner, you see a guy non-stop bragging about himself and his gadgets. On the other corner of the room, you see a guy cracking light-hearted jokes and everyone surrounding him has smiles on their faces. Which corner would you choose to join the conversation?

Also, I haven’t met even one person who has chosen the first option.

So, why do you think people will like your boring, self-promotional ad?

Dollar Shave Club is a brand built entirely on humorous ads. Unilever paid them $1 billion to buy them. Do I have to sell more why do humor ads work?


Talk in Your Customers’ Language

If your customers talk to each other in a very professional language, then you can prefer conservative words.

On the other hand, if your audience is college-going students, then using formal business language won’t make any sense.


Get Ready to Take Risks

Only boring ads don’t involve any kind of risks. If you want to continue being boring, you can enjoy the safety. But if you want to change your image and want to get talked about, you need to show your risk-taking side.

Risky ads are creative! Also, risky ads are the only ones that have the potential of going viral!


If you’re dreaming of going viral like many others, you need to lose your seat in your safety bubble and step out in the real world of creativity, adventure, and risks. Share on X


Don’t tame your words, just because it’s expected from you because you’re a brand. The same goes for women as well. You both don’t have to stick to the image levied on you. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Well-behaved women hardly make history.”

And at Bizadmark, we say, “well-behaved brands hardly go viral.”

Pushing Edges Leads to Unexpected Results

If you continue doing what everyone else is doing, you would hardly be noticed.

Imagine if Martin Luther King was happy with the way things were happening around him, or women didn’t feel the need to fight for their right to vote, or LGBTQs were content just being in the closet. They all have pushed the edges of the boundaries and created a new boundary that will be pushed by many others.

We don’t remember anyone who lived by the rules. Rules are meant to be broken. We’re evolving and so are the so-called rules. Women are no longer restricted to the kitchen because they changed the rules. So do you!

If not, you’ll find yourself lost in the oblivion of social media.


Controversies are Good. I’ll Say They’re Great.

Controversies make news. They bring attention and most importantly, they bring customers. Look at the past, some of the most successful ads are the most controversial ones. These businesses didn’t get scared of becoming a part of the controversy.

Do I have to remind you of Nike’s recent controversial ad featuring ex-NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick?


Nike knew that they have to stand out of the crowd and for doing that, they can’t play safe. They created a very controversial ad, alienating some but winning the heart of many others.

To be short, safe ads are like being on a bike, it might take millions and millions of years before you land on the moon. But controversial edgy ads are like being on an alien’s super-advanced spaceship, you can reach your destination in a few days or hours.

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Key Takeaway: Digital Advertising for Boring Products

We all like to live in our comfort zone. This is the best place to be. We can control everything around us and that feels great.

But nothing can be achieved by being there. You’ve to shed your old self and take a new form if you wanna move ahead.

These 6 digital advertising tips for boring products will help you rewrite your business success story. In case you need edgy, offbeat, and super funny ads, get in touch with our team right now. Why? Because we’re f**king great at that.


Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure: Learn From Mistakes Others Make

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The secret to success in business isn’t doing what other successful people have done; it’s by avoiding the mistakes made by businesses that have failed. Instead of repeating their mistakes, now we can learn from them and best ensure business growth and commercial success.

17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail brings the cautionary tales of mistakes made by many businesses that ultimately led to their failure and which other businesses should avoid at all costs if they plan to survive and grow. Get your copy.


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