7 Types of Digital Ads You must Run For Your Candle business

Candles are an essential home decor item. They not only add beauty to our surroundings but also offer warmth and a welcoming touch. Consumers purchase candles to brighten festivals, rekindle memories, relax, make the home environment vibrant, and many more.

These days people prefer scented candles which add a soothing touch to the living spaces. Not only this, as the candle business is flourishing, there are a variety of other options available in candles like color, size, etc.

If you want to grow your candle business, take a good grasp of your target audiences along with an eye on the calendar. There are plenty of occasions around the year when your candle business can skyrocket its sales. So, keep your energy high and never fall back on digital ads for your candle business.

With this, let us have a look at some important types of digital ads that you must run for your candle business.


7 Types of Digital Ads You Must Run For Your Candle Business

digital ads for candle business

Native Ads

Native advertising is similar to that of display advertising. But they are more strategic and aimed towards targeting the ideal and relevant customers.

For instance, not everyone is interested to buy candles. So, it is important to take note of your target customers who might be interested in your product.

So, native advertising will help you to target people based on their online habits and show ads that are relevant to them. This is a great way to come in front of your target audiences. So, give it a try.


Display Ads

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P.C – Nest New York

The most basic form of advertising done by most brands is display advertising. It usually consists of images and texts. Your business should definitely incorporate display advertising to grow its popularity. These ads show up as popups, banners, flash ads on websites, landing pages, and many more.

Moreover, display ads are very affordable and simple to implement. A great advantage of display ads is that people can find them everywhere on the internet. So, your relevant customers can buy from you whenever they need your product.

So, try to display your product with a brief description. For instance, you can tell the cost of your candle, its scent, when you can use it and other things to encourage people to buy it.


Voice Ads

Voice search has found its way in this evolving age and is becoming trendy these days. Smart speakers have come up to assist brands and brands have also found new ways to connect with their audiences through it. It has made the search process easier for your target customers. So take utmost advantage of it.

Your target customers can easily find you through voice searches. For instance, if someone voice searches for the best candles for Diwali, your candle business should show up on their priority list.


Social Media Ads

social media candle ad

Social media is considered to be the biggest hub of digital advertising and targeting your ideal customers. As a huge number of people are daily users of social media, the ease of targeting them has highly increased.


Moreover, social media allows you to advertise your brand and products in varied forms ranging from images, texts, videos, native to other interactive ads. So, isn’t it a great way to advertise the candles you offer to your target audiences? Yes, it is.


So, you can definitely try this to run digital ads for your candle business.


Video Ads

Videos are the most interactive form of advertising as it incorporates both audio and visual elements. It compels the viewers to take necessary actions instantly.

Moreover, videos are not only popular among online stores but can also be used in traditional advertising through billboards and banners. But while talking about digital advertising, we talk about short and crisp audio-visual ads.

Here is an example of aromatherapy candles. Have a look at the video below. You are going to love it.


360-Degree Video Campaigns

Brands do deploy 360-degree video campaigns to give a real-life experience of their products. These days virtual reality is gaining popularity and is successful in garnering greater engagement.

For instance, you can create a virtual setup of a room and showcase how your candles can be a good fit in enhancing and illuminating the living spaces. This will make customers visualize the effect these can candle create thus encouraging them to purchase your product. Virtual experience and a 3D touch to ads entertain your audiences to a great extent.


Key Takeaway: Types of Digital Ads for Your Candle Business

Advertising a business and its products can be challenging if you fail to understand what works and what does not for your product’s popularity. So, before advertising your business on digital platforms, have a close look at your target audiences and the type of content that can best attract them to buy your product.

Try out the above-given types of digital ads and let us know which worked best for you. Remember, the world of digital advertising is full of creativity and innumerable opportunities. If one ad type does not work, try the other. Some will definitely work for you. It is all about exploring and achieving your business goals.

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